
Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my write-ups. This includes articles, essays, imageries, experiences, and scripts. All works are tagged. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!


‘Inspiration was the first thing that came to me when I saw my sister’s painting. She had many other pieces on display but this one really caught my eye.’ An artist looking from a hill at a picturesque valley equipped with an easel and armed with paint brushes just begging to be used. The paintbrushes…

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Happiness is Humanity’s Greatest Lie

‘Love, Hope and Compassion is shown when we help the needy……………………… and something else but my mind wandered away as the teacher droned on some more. I was mainly focused on the picture behind her. A scene of real enjoyment as some poor children smiled for all they were worth. A monument behind them probably…

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Perspective was the first word that came to me,It was a pair of glasses required for the sky to see!I have always wondered,That because the clouds thundered,Wouldn’t they be hard of hearing?I have always found it endearing,That the Sun would require sunglasses!This shows us new perspective,Freedom is our only objective,I want to try something new,Something…

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The Opportunity of a Life Time

My Experience as a TEDx Speaker This was an opportunity of a lifetime, well, all of my eleven years at least!  I had been selected to speak at a TEDx event organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.  The conference organizers had been so impressed with my robot building skills and my discussions on…

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Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Christian Louse Lange rightly said, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”  In this tech savvy generation and life style it is a miracle we have time to make our hair. All of us sing the same tune- Homework, Exams and Social Media. But does family or reading books come into this routine?…

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Inquire To Aspire

The following is a script I wrote in Grade 7 for our class assembly. It is about Alex, a failed author who gets some expert writing advice. I own none of the names of the authors. This is an imaginative play. I mean no offense to any person, entity, class or religion. This is meant…

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My Feelings on Hospitals Part I

Hospitals have traditionally been described as places to receive treatment for medical ailments, maladies, wounds and as dispensaries of surgery and tests. The same treatments can be obtained from a witch’s cauldron, though I heartily hope you won’t consider it be a quick replacement to your local hospital. Children’s books, however, describe hospitals as scary…

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My Feelings on Hospitals Part II

Read Part I of this series here…In my last post, I spoke about how hospitals had been described. In the second part of this series, I would like to talk about my experience with Hospitals. After all, this is called ‘My Feelings on Hospitals.’ I personally have never been to a hospital (thank god), and…

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Euripides’ Medea and Life

“Stronger than Lover’s Love is Lover’s Hate,Incurable in each, the wounds they make.”Euripedes’ Medea When Jason went to retrieve the Golden Fleece to ensure prosperity and bountiful harvests for all of Greece, he journeyed to Colchis. The Greeks believed Colchis was at the edge of the known world, and Jason’s journey was a dangerous and…

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-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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