Welcome To Anvi’s Thoughts Caught!

“If you spend your entire life wondering what if,
You’ll never have time to live in what is.”

As an Avid Blogger, I, Anvi Tuteja, am elated to present my blogsite – Anvi’s Thoughts Caught – as an amalgamation of my literary enterprise, poetic endeavours, day-to-day blogs, and other creative interests.

Here is a bit about me: https://anvituteja.com/about-me/

Anvi Tuteja is a master mischief maker, secretly plotting world domination from her imaginary window seat in Gurgaon, India. She’s an aspirant philosopher, first-time author and a die-hard Potter Head. She sidelines as an Oracle of Prophesies, blogger at WordPress and her family’s self-appointed movie buff.

Anvi has been reading and writing since she was three years old. For her, poetry is a coping mechanism, and in her words – one that doesn’t judge, doesn’t lie and doesn’t make you feel like you’re wrong for simply being the way you are.

Anvi Tuteja is a bundle of contradictions – she reads, but binge-watches anything Marvel; she doesn’t have a social media presence, but she writes a secret diary; and she is a walking Shakespeare encyclopedia, but also a constant music streamer.

In all her work, from her regular posts at her blogsite – http://www.anvituteja.com to her TEDx talk about New Emerging Technologies – Anvi Tuteja does it all with heart, impatience and love.

Click the Follow button to receive e-mails about my latest posts and activities. You can find my work under categories like Poems and Reflections or under tags such as #poembyanvi! or #anvituteja!

My other blogs are from this profile: nerdnation1103. All my blogs and research projects can be found here: https://anvituteja.com/sdgs/

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I am elated to share with you all my latest poetic endeavour – my first published book, entitled Incandescence.

Incandescence is an anthology of poems that brings a fresh and new perspective to the realm of poetry. Incandescence symbolizes struggle and more importantly, overcoming that struggle to transcend barriers to become something truly incandescent.

Incandescence offers an unfiltered glimpse into the teenage psyche – the feeling of being overwhelmed, of wanting to be more, and the fear of being lost in the crowd of imitators.

Incandescence is a coping mechanism that offers a way to reimagine reality as we know it – all from the comfort of our own living room. With sections titled Rebellion, Emotion, Reflection, Reality Reimagined and Reputation – Incandescence has something for everybody.

Read more about Incandescence here: https://anvituteja.com/incandescence/

This is a collection of poems, write-ups, short stories and reviews. This is all my personal work. Your likes and comments are always appreciated. No offense is meant from my work of any kind to persons of any caste, religion, section, class or state.

Quote of the Day

“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed.”

It’s The Endgame!

Worry growing, Fear spreading, Waves of terror consuming a paralysed crowd, Shouts of ‘it’s coming’ all around, What is it, you ask, well let’s just say, It’s a lethal poison or a dangerous adversary, in a way, It’s cold-blooded, ruthless and unforgiving, It’s cold, calculating, and takes no prisoners alive, Old or Young, Rich or…

Feelings are a Fiend

We come into this world with nothing, Over the course of our life, we become something, When it’s the final battle though, We leave this world with nothing, Life is all about change, versatility, But what good is all that effort, If we are to be just to be mixed with dirt, Why do we…

The Opportunity of a Life Time

My Experience as a TEDx Speaker This was an opportunity of a lifetime, well, all of my eleven years at least!  I had been selected to speak at a TEDx event organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.  The conference organizers had been so impressed with my robot building skills and my discussions on…

Price of Pain

You think you know pain? I will make you long for something sweet as pain! Its so hard to stay sane, It crawls inside my soul, Like walking on hot coals, Breaks me from inside, Like a stabbing in my side, Its been a bumpy ride, Im numb from all the ice on my wounds,…

Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Christian Louse Lange rightly said, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”  In this tech savvy generation and life style it is a miracle we have time to make our hair. All of us sing the same tune- Homework, Exams and Social Media. But does family or reading books come into this routine?…

It All Made Sense To Me

When you showed up at my door,In the cold October snow,With the dimples on your cheek,And the freckles on your chin,It All Made Sense To Me, When you showed up in the rain,In my apartment b’hind the lane,With a trembling little puppy,And your sun-kissed drenched skin,It All Made Sense To Me, When you showed up…

When I Look into the Mirror…

When I look into the mirror,I see myself as but an actor,When I look into the mirror,I feel like a mortal, but mere-er,When I look into the mirror,Is it me I see, or someone dearer? When I glance at my reflection,I look like someone deep in thought, in contemplation,When I glance at my reflection,The raw…


Today is a joyous day,Of hope and cheer and of merry,The wreaths on the doors,And trees decorated and shiny, Christmas is a time for celebration,Of twinkling lights and ornaments fair,To be safe with our loved ones,A shelter from this wintry storm, See the pretty snowflakes falling,Look into the gardens,Where the grass that ‘twas green,No longer a blade…

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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