
Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my poems. You can also find them under the #poembyanvi! tag. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!

I’m Not The Type of Person: Fate Intended to Write

I’m not the type of person,Who goes out without a fight,I’m not the type of person,Who won’t fight for their rights,I’m not the type of person,Who won’t fight to survive,No, I’m not the type of person,Fate intended to write, All or nothing,That’s what I say,In a land of cliches,I’m the only one who’s sane,In an…

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It’s The Endgame!

Worry growing, Fear spreading, Waves of terror consuming a paralysed crowd, Shouts of ‘it’s coming’ all around, What is it, you ask, well let’s just say, It’s a lethal poison or a dangerous adversary, in a way, It’s cold-blooded, ruthless and unforgiving, It’s cold, calculating, and takes no prisoners alive, Old or Young, Rich or…

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Just Let Go – And Fall

Sometimes I just don’t believe it,I simply cannot realize it,But our time’s come and gone,Oh look, there’s no one to be around,Because it’s done and dusted,The chapter’s published, Is there no place left for me to go,Because I, Because I simply cannot be alone,It’s so hard keeping away from you,’Cause I find it so hard…

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At the Stroke of Midnight

At the Stroke of Midnight,As the twelfth chime rang,I was blinded by the sparkling light,As my family huddled ’round, like a top-secret gang, Lay rotting away, the wreaths on the doors,A day to end all pain, misery and strife,It was the moment, everyone had been waiting for,The thick tension was palpable; could be cut with…

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When I Look into the Mirror…

When I look into the mirror,I see myself as but an actor,When I look into the mirror,I feel like a mortal, but mere-er,When I look into the mirror,Is it me I see, or someone dearer? When I glance at my reflection,I look like someone deep in thought, in contemplation,When I glance at my reflection,The raw…

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Thy Code, Neu Felles Errantes

All those who wander, Are never truly lost, However, fears I do not launder, Everything comes at a cost, Take, a peek, or two if you dare, Though do not expect a welcome swell, In fact, expect a few of snarl and glare, For here, all kinds do dwell… The horrors contained here, I do…

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An Eternity Alone

What does it mean to be alone?To have no one and nothing waiting,To sit in solitude, pondering the unknown,Because your mind is already rating, Loneliness, a disease with no cure,And no, it’s not contagious,But wait, you’re already detour’d,Why is this desire to fit in, already so outrageous? I’m no longer scared,Of the dark and what…

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I wrote this because it was so complex that the idea fascinated me. It had to be a short poem, without the meaning being obvious, that told a story and explained a condition. As always, no offence is meant from my work to any persons, class, group, sect, religion, caste, sexuality, identity, etc. Some times…

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Bucket List: A Poetic Rendition

Bucket List, why’s that?The idea was new to me,Bucket List, why’s that?Something I had never needed,Bucket List, why’s that?To define my reason to be,Bucket List, why’s that?But some nameless someone’s advice I heeded… Bucket List, what’s that?How do I go about it,Bucket List, what’s that?I haven’t got a clue,Bucket List, what’s that?Where to start, Where…

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Time Freeze

Why?! Why am I stuck here, Everyone has moved on, Yet I’m a child so mere, Everyone wakes at dawn, Yet I can’t make myself, Move till noon, Everyone manages time themselves, Yet I don’t study till exams are too soon! Why am I still stuck, an adolescent, Everyone is stiff and serious, Yet I…

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Beauty is Unity in Diversity

Diversity does not mean, Everyone’s the same, in how we seem, Diversity does not imply, That we get together to celebrate or to cry, Diversity does not promote, Everyone painted with same coat, No, Diversity-Unity, that is true, But Unity does not mean, same goals, we will pursue, Unity in Diversity, is life’s truest mantra,…

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First in the Forevermore Series – Lonely I wandered lonely as a cloud,No one there for miles around,Not a single soul in an abandoned field,The only one left in a bad crop yield,I’m here all alone, right where you left me,Waitin’ for you, but you’ve gone to the place I just can’t see, I know…

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Opposites Attract

The sun to my moon,The order to my chaos,The ying to my yang,We were closer than close,At our worst we were better than most, It happened in a flash, just way too soon,We were together on a sun-kissed dais,Then as the twelfth chime rang,You melted into dust, in neat little rows,And I stood there dumb-founded,…

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Feelings are a Fiend

We come into this world with nothing, Over the course of our life, we become something, When it’s the final battle though, We leave this world with nothing, Life is all about change, versatility, But what good is all that effort, If we are to be just to be mixed with dirt, Why do we…

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Price of Pain

You think you know pain? I will make you long for something sweet as pain! Its so hard to stay sane, It crawls inside my soul, Like walking on hot coals, Breaks me from inside, Like a stabbing in my side, Its been a bumpy ride, Im numb from all the ice on my wounds,…

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Today is a joyous day,Of hope and cheer and of merry,The wreaths on the doors,And trees decorated and shiny, Christmas is a time for celebration,Of twinkling lights and ornaments fair,To be safe with our loved ones,A shelter from this wintry storm, See the pretty snowflakes falling,Look into the gardens,Where the grass that ‘twas green,No longer a blade…

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Perspective was the first word that came to me,It was a pair of glasses required for the sky to see!I have always wondered,That because the clouds thundered,Wouldn’t they be hard of hearing?I have always found it endearing,That the Sun would require sunglasses!This shows us new perspective,Freedom is our only objective,I want to try something new,Something…

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-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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