Literary Enterprise

Welcome to my Literary Enterprise!

Ever since I was a kid, I have loved to write! Be it poems, stories or articles, I’m your girl. My blog, ‘Anvi’s Thoughts Caught’, is to share my writings with the world! Welcome to my Literary Enterprise!

This is a collection of poems, write-ups, short stories and reviews. This is all my personal work. Your likes and comments are always appreciated. No offense is meant from my work of any kind to persons of any caste, religion, section, class or state. Click the Follow button to receive e-mails about my next posts and activities. 

Short Stories

Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my short stories. You can also find them under the #shortstorybyanvi! tag. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!

Explore my Short Stories…


Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my poems. You can also find them under the #poembyanvi! tag. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!

Explore my poems…


Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my write-ups. This includes articles, essays, imageries, experiences, and scripts. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!

Explore my write-ups…


Hello and Welcome to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! Here is a complete collection of all my reviews. This includes reviews of books, TV shows, movies and restaurants. Please comment and like the posts and follow this blog to get email updates!

Explore my reviews…

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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