Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Recipes, Write-Ups, Written Work

That One Time I Murdered a Ginger Bread Man

(Or When I Made Eggless Chocolate Chip Sugar Butter Cookies)

Hey guys! Anvi here. First things first, I made cookies! Yay! More specifically chocolate chip cookies with butter and sugar! Yum!
Now that we’ve gotten over an esplosione of exclamation marks, let’s cut to the way the cookie crumbles. (All puns intended.)
I have always loved cookies and who doesn’t? (totally rhetorical question btw, i seriously do not want to know, stay away from me cookie anarchists! viva le cookies!) And ever since my winter break started, I had been dying to make some cookies.
And then I had a revelation! I could! I could make cookies, it couldn’t be that hard, could it? It’s not like it’s rocket science or molecular biology! (shivers)

(In hindsight, I probably should have gotten a few contingencies in place, like a fire extinguisher, backup recipes, enough ingredients to feed an army and maybe some how-to guides like remedial recipes for divine dunces. But, anyway, read on…
Warning: It’s not pretty. Like At All.)

The recipe I used is from hebbars kitchen's eggless chocolate chip cookies[1].

Eggless Chocolate Chip Sugar Butter Cookies Recipe
PREP TIME: 30 Minutes
COOK TIME: 15 Minutes Per Batch
SERVINGS: 6 Per Batch
Ingredients Required
▢½ cup butter
▢1 cup sugar
▢1 cup flour
▢½ tsp baking soda
▢a pinch of salt as needed
▢1 tsp vanilla extract
▢3 tbsp warm milk
▢handful of chocolate chips
1. Firstly, in a large mixing bowl mix one cup butter and add one cup sugar.
2. Whisk till the butter and sugar turn creamy.
3. Sieve in take 1 cup flour, ½ tsp baking soda and a pinch of salt as needed.
4. Add 1 tsp vanilla extract, 3 tbsp warm milk and combine well.
5. Knead the dough and combine gently
6. Make small balls and roll the batter. Cut shapes with shape cutters if needed.
7. Place the cookies in baking tray lined with butter paper.
8. Add chocolate chip cookies as required.
9. Bake the cookies in oven for 15 minutes per batch
10. Cool the cookies for 5 minutes on the tray, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
11. Enjoy!
Recipe used for chocolate chip cookies

I see you’re back then, so I hope you’re interested! I followed this recipe to a T, (uh, well mostly,) so I was hoping for perfection. But as it turns out, your first batch of cookies is never amazing, but certainly better than your third!
I mixed all the ingredients and mixed the dough in a dough maker. Next, was rolling the dough. I took the largest rolling pin we had, (a whopping one and a half feet long!), and began. Needless to say, my first attempt turned a slightly off-center lump into an even uglier off center weird oval of dough. I turned it back into a ball and yelled for my mom.
My mom assessed my work and immediately took charge of the program. She taught me how to roll dough. (Hint: use dry flour to keep dough from sticking to the rolling pin. But don’t use too much or cookies will taste like dry flour. I learnt that the hard way.)
I learnt how to roll dough and cut the cookies into Christmas trees and Gingerbread Men! Cookie murder had never been more delicious. Muahahaha!
I happily set the cookies into the baking tray and put into the oven. And then I stuffed my face with cookie dough! Ah, heaven. I finally know why there’s a cookie dough ice cream flavour. You learn something new everyday!
I took the cookies out after 15 minutes but to my dismay, the ones in the centre were all dark and burny! Hmph! Blast you stupid oven. In a totally unrelated matter, I have a bandage on my hand and a dent in my oven. Moving on!
I knew better this time and kept the cookies on the sides. 13.2 Minutes I took out a batch of perfect cookies! Yay!
20 Minutes later, I learnt a hard truth of life. It may seem implausible to all you naive cookie-ers but it’s true. I learnt Youtube is not the most important thing in my Life! Gasp! But I know, it’s true. Let me explain…
The third batch of cookies was 100% burnt and I understood, DON’T YOUTUBE WHILE COOKING! We lost a lot of good dough that day, and my only regret is the loss and sacrifice of those brave cookies. We salute you.

So there you have it, folks! A play by play of a battle we may have won, but it took a lot of brave (ginger bread) men to do it. But, we did warn you. We all knew going to this war, it was not going to be easy and all we can do is remember the brave cookies who lost their lives doing it.

Welp! Next project, Donuts…(Cue the evil laugh. Muahahaha!)


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Write-Ups, Written Work

The Opportunity of a Life Time

My Experience as a TEDx Speaker

This was an opportunity of a lifetime, well, all of my eleven years at least!  I had been selected to speak at a TEDx event organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University.  The conference organizers had been so impressed with my robot building skills and my discussions on technology that they invited me as a speaker to share my ideas and perspectives on how the new technology can impact kids in the future.

I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves as I walked on stage for my TEDx talk. I knew what to say, I had been practicing all week. I remembered my parents’ instructions to talk slowly and make a joke if things go south but as I reached center stage all my confidence evaporated, my voice shook and all my anxiousness was as clear as day in my talk. I messed up the first line of the talk but my father’s proud face, my mother’s supportive one, my grandfather’s hopeful one and my grandmother’s happy face drove me to success. My confidence never wavered after that until the time my demonstration malfunctioned.  This time I remained calm and tried the demonstration again.  It was successful and was rewarded by loud applause.

I spoke with hope up until the end of my talk, when I took a pause and waited with bated breath for the audience’s verdict. The crowd gave me thunderous applause and a standing ovation. To my pleasant surprise, I was then requested to pull out a lucky draw to choose a winner and also received a token of appreciation from the Faculty of Management Services. I walked away with my confidence soaring, my pride strong and my dignity intact.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Series

My Feelings on Hospitals Part I

Hospitals have traditionally been described as places to receive treatment for medical ailments, maladies, wounds and as dispensaries of surgery and tests. The same treatments can be obtained from a witch’s cauldron, though I heartily hope you won’t consider it be a quick replacement to your local hospital. Children’s books, however, describe hospitals as scary…

My Feelings on Hospitals Part II

Read Part I of this series here…In my last post, I spoke about how hospitals had been described. In the second part of this series, I would like to talk about my experience with Hospitals. After all, this is called ‘My Feelings on Hospitals.’ I personally have never been to a hospital (thank god), and…


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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Part II

Read Part I of this series here…
In my last post, I spoke about how hospitals had been described. In the second part of this series, I would like to talk about my experience with Hospitals. After all, this is called ‘My Feelings on Hospitals.’

I personally have never been to a hospital (thank god), and I’m talking about a proper hospital. I have been to clinics a lot and I think my pediatrician is just about done with me, ’cause my medical file must be eating a lot of space on her tablet.
I have tons of allergies including dust (How on earth can you undust everything?), smoke (There goes my cooking career. Goodbye Masterchef!) and chlorine (Thanks a lot, dad. Now I can never have a real summer of fun because I can’t swim in chlorinated water, which just happens to be 90% of all water). But I don’t like to complain.

I have had a lot of interesting incidences. From tormenting black kernels of popcorn in noses leading to a traumatising instance with the doctor threatening to cut my nose off if I did not cooperate, (He actually said that! And he pointed to the guy outside his office with heavy bandages covering his entire nose. I was scared!) to me being extremely overenthusiastic (still true) to see my mother after school leading to an extremely painful and embarrassing accident with me rolling down two flights of stairs (i’m not really still into that) and ending with bleeding knees in the backseat of a car.

Don’t worry, I’m alright even if I still have the scars to prove it. (wink) I could regale you with multiple anecdotes of my narrow misses of death (brushes invisible speck of dust off shoulder) but this post is not about that. (also, do you think I should? make a post about that I mean? never mind, I’m getting off-topic)

The point of all of my incessant rambling is, Hospitals can be amazing! They symbolise hope and cure and all of the developments of the 21st century (as opposed to Jane Austen’s 19th century). They save lives and hey, anyone who gives out free desk candy, is okay in my book.

And just like the previous post of this series, I’m ending this with a thought. Do you think hospitals symbolise hope or are they just a painful and cruel reminder to all those who loved the people medicine just couldn’t save? Ponder on that and I’ve given the English teachers something to make all you lazybones write about. Sorry, I did mention I sold out for fame and freedom, right?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Part I

Hospitals have traditionally been described as places to receive treatment for medical ailments, maladies, wounds and as dispensaries of surgery and tests. The same treatments can be obtained from a witch’s cauldron, though I heartily hope you won’t consider it be a quick replacement to your local hospital.

Children’s books, however, describe hospitals as scary with lots of sharp instruments and painful treatments. Thus, every child grows up with natural impulse to hate the Doctor’s and that’s just before the needles start flashing.

Middle-Year Fiction for Teenagers describe hospitals as cold and dreary with desolate coloring, over cheery nurses who act like they’re just out of Pants on Fire and a store of old people and patients depressed about their life.

Movies based on Jane Austen’s novels which take place in the 1800s, show Doctor’s as completely inexperienced, with painful and useless torture methods…uh, I mean, cures, of course and being primarily and absolutely male. Which is no doubt a leading cause of their inexperience. That, and the fact medicinal practices were awfully outdated and that praying was the main hope for patients. Always remember, Satan takes his dues!

Hospitals. To me, a person who is prone to allergies and colds at the worst possible time, (for example: during a world wide epidemic of a virus with no cure) hospitals symbolize everything that could or could not, will or will not happen. It’s like a crossroads and I’m blindfolded and covered in a sack and blindly walking to what I hope is best. Of course, Hospitals can be good too, yes I’m serious. Every time I go to the Optician, I get a new power for new glasses, which is always fun. So Hospitals like almost everything in life are pro and con. The only question left to raise is, which aspect will you focus on?

So after all that, what really are hospitals? Are they all the things above or none of them? Take your time choosing. Me? I’m going to sit safely at home and spend my time groveling and praying to the gods for mercy against COVID-19. Happy 3rd Day of Navratri!
Read Part II of this series here…


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Anvi Tuteja, Articles, Write-Ups, Written Work

Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Christian Louse Lange rightly said, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

 In this tech savvy generation and life style it is a miracle we have time to make our hair. All of us sing the same tune- Homework, Exams and Social Media. But does family or reading books come into this routine? Both of these are just as important. Reading is a boon in so many ways and family? You wouldn’t even be here without it.

Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Research proves that if children spent half the time they spend on social media studying, Einstein’s would be popping up everywhere. Just give reading a try and don’t give up in desperation after a few failed attempts, just find your genre and exploit it. Not only does reading increase your imagination and manners it also prevents social awkwardness.

Do you know technology causes isolation or makes you solitary? You all are probably thinking that technology connects us with friends who live far away, so how is it that the very means that connect us make us solitary?  Online interactions take away from our conversations with people who may be in the same room as us.  We land up ignoring these in our immediate surroundings.

Well, technology is great when used in moderation but addiction grips us like a cat pouncing on a helpless mouse.  Luckily for all you victimized mice, we have a miracle cure! No, it is not laughter but reading books, though a good joke can go a long way too.

Reading is a wonderful source of interest for all generations. Another bonus is it does not cause death. Yes, according to the CNN, technology increases your risk of dying by 26%

So the choice is yours, what will you pick -books or technology?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Scripts, Write-Ups, Written Work

Inquire To Aspire

The following is a script I wrote in Grade 7 for our class assembly. It is about Alex, a failed author who gets some expert writing advice. I own none of the names of the authors. This is an imaginative play. I mean no offense to any person, entity, class or religion. This is meant to be pure fiction.

Play Title- Inquire to Aspire


  1. Young author- Alex (Alexandra/Alexander)
  2. J.K. Rowling
  3. Rick Riordan
  4. Agatha Christie
  5. P.G. Wodehouse
  6. William Shakespeare
  7. Ruskin Bond
  8. Arthur Conan Doyle
  9. Narrator 1
  10. Narrator 2
  11. Editor 1
  12. Editor 2


Narrator 1- This is a tale about our aspiring young author Alex who inquires about writing techniques to improve her novel

Alex- Yes! Finally! I finished the last chapter. Now I’ll give it to the editor and see to his/her thoughts.

Narrator 2- Alex goes to the editor.

Editor 1- You are?

Alex- I am Alex. This is a novel entitled ‘the mystery of the parallel universe’.

(after glancing through synopsis and first chapter)

Editor 2- This is preposterous! This novel is too out there!

Editor 1- And the characters? Why are they all so suspicious of every tiny thing that anyone does!

Alex- I, I, I’m sorry for wasting your time.

Narrator 1- Alex leaves, her spirits deflated.

Narrator 2- She is half inclined to give up writing completely!

Alex- What does this mean? Am I no good at writing?

Narrator 1- Suddenly, some mist appears and seven surprised people appear.

Narrator 2- Alex is surprised as these people are ones she knows very well.

Shakespeare- The two families were the Capulets and the Montagues. Wait, this isn’t Stratford-Apon-Avon. Where am I?

Bond- Who are all of you?

Rowling- I was just heading home when this wind carried me here. Explain.

Christie- How about you figure it out yourself like a real novelist.

Rowling- You have no idea who you’re messing with, Muggle.

Christie- Don’t get too big for your boots- Joanne Jo Kathleen Rowling.

Doyle- Sounds like a case for Sherlock Holmes

Wodehouse-Such a serious bunch. Lighten up!

Riordan- I know right!

Alex- You are all here. How? I mean, Agatha Christie, J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, P.G. Wodehouse, William Shakespeare, Ruskin Bond and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. All here. Umm, can I help you?

Christie- Perhaps, we are here to help you.

Shakespeare- Is anything troubling you, my dear?

Alex- Only my novel. No one thinks it’s any good.

Bond- We’re the experts of that.

Rowling- I struggled for 7 years with my hit Harry Potter series. We know what you are going through.

Riordan-Do have a good climax?

Alex- A what now?

Wodehouse- He means the action scene.

Shakespeare- In the mountain of writing

Alex- Could you elaborate, please?

Bond- Step 1- Decide the theme

Riordan- Step 2- Draft the opening

Wodehouse- Step 3- Draft the setting

Christie- Step 4- Draft the action

Rowling- Step 5- Draft the Climax

Shakespeare- Step 6- Draft the conflicts

Doyle- And last but not the least, Step 7- Draft a solid resolution.

Alex- Thank you!

Shakespeare- I fear our time with you is ending. Here is some final advice.

Shakespeare- People’s good deeds we write in water. The bad deeds are etched in brass  

Bond- Always have a paper basket with you. When you dislike and idea you can start afresh

Rowling- What you write becomes who you are. So make sure you love your writing.

Christie- Writing is a great comfort for me. People who are unsure about themselves have trouble expressing themselves

Doyle- The world is full of obvious things which no one ever notices

Wodehouse- I am never really comfortable unless I’m writing or I have a story going

Riordan- Identify the moral dilemma driving the problem so the reader wonders what they would do in the place of the protagonist.

Alex- Wow! I have to write my novel now- A visit from the past

Narrator 1- Alex is slaving away with a spring in her step. She is now going to the editor again.

Editor 1- You again, eh!

Alex- Give it a read.

Editor 2- Wow! I can’t believe it’s written by the same person.

Editor1- We’ll look in to your novel.

Alex-Thank you!

Narrator 2- So you see, if you want something you have to INQUIRE TO ASPIRE!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Poems, Written Work


Perspective was the first word that came to me,
It was a pair of glasses required for the sky to see!
I have always wondered,
That because the clouds thundered,
Wouldn’t they be hard of hearing?
I have always found it endearing,
That the Sun would require sunglasses!
This shows us new perspective,
Freedom is our only objective,
I want to try something new,
Something done by few.
Admitting you may be wrong,
Is a skill possessed by none,
Admitting your faults,
Is not acknowledged at all!
New beginnings & a beautiful sunset,
With a scope of opportunity,
A chance of freedom,
And a certainty of luck
A whole lot of pluck
And big heart
Is all you need to fly free.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

Happiness is Humanity’s Greatest Lie

‘Love, Hope and Compassion is shown when we help the needy……………………… and something else but my mind wandered away as the teacher droned on some more. I was mainly focused on the picture behind her.

A scene of real enjoyment as some poor children smiled for all they were worth. A monument behind them probably made of sandstone. Ugh! I needed to brush up on history or was it civics?
Three girls were smiling without a care in the world. They were playing with Holi Color. They were so happy but I didn’t feel pity for them instead I felt glad. Not at their misfortune, and I still wished they had better lives. I stand by the statement; Everyone should work for pleasure.
These young girls learnt a lesson not many got to learn, experience or feel. They had a harsh life, a tough time and an unfortunate ticket in the lottery of life but all that really mattered was that they were happy.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work


‘Inspiration was the first thing that came to me when I saw my sister’s painting. She had many other pieces on display but this one really caught my eye.’

picture credit to shailja

An artist looking from a hill at a picturesque valley equipped with an easel and armed with paint brushes just begging to be used. The paintbrushes were so worn out and full of color. Looking at it, it made me feel calm, free and with a sense of purpose. I could almost hear the leaves rustling and the wind in my hair. I felt the painter’s frustration in finding the perfect color to paint in.

I felt so creative, I was not in the valley or the hill I was lost in my thoughts. I felt like I could compose a poem as well as Homer or write a sonnet worthy of Shakespeare. I felt so enthusiastic to write. I never wanted to leave, for the first I felt confident about my writing. Just as my head was filled with these wonderful aspirations the source was cruelly snatched away from me. The painting was gone framed in a gallery with all the glory. I scowled at cruel life and horrid fate. But one more glimpse and I was content. It was like life scarred me and the painting was my ointment.

I loved my sister and all the paintbrushes and all the paint that made this paradise possible, this fantasy real and most of all this inspiration a reality.’


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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