Anvi Tuteja, Scripts, Write-Ups, Written Work

Inquire To Aspire

The following is a script I wrote in Grade 7 for our class assembly. It is about Alex, a failed author who gets some expert writing advice. I own none of the names of the authors. This is an imaginative play. I mean no offense to any person, entity, class or religion. This is meant to be pure fiction.

Play Title- Inquire to Aspire


  1. Young author- Alex (Alexandra/Alexander)
  2. J.K. Rowling
  3. Rick Riordan
  4. Agatha Christie
  5. P.G. Wodehouse
  6. William Shakespeare
  7. Ruskin Bond
  8. Arthur Conan Doyle
  9. Narrator 1
  10. Narrator 2
  11. Editor 1
  12. Editor 2


Narrator 1- This is a tale about our aspiring young author Alex who inquires about writing techniques to improve her novel

Alex- Yes! Finally! I finished the last chapter. Now I’ll give it to the editor and see to his/her thoughts.

Narrator 2- Alex goes to the editor.

Editor 1- You are?

Alex- I am Alex. This is a novel entitled ‘the mystery of the parallel universe’.

(after glancing through synopsis and first chapter)

Editor 2- This is preposterous! This novel is too out there!

Editor 1- And the characters? Why are they all so suspicious of every tiny thing that anyone does!

Alex- I, I, I’m sorry for wasting your time.

Narrator 1- Alex leaves, her spirits deflated.

Narrator 2- She is half inclined to give up writing completely!

Alex- What does this mean? Am I no good at writing?

Narrator 1- Suddenly, some mist appears and seven surprised people appear.

Narrator 2- Alex is surprised as these people are ones she knows very well.

Shakespeare- The two families were the Capulets and the Montagues. Wait, this isn’t Stratford-Apon-Avon. Where am I?

Bond- Who are all of you?

Rowling- I was just heading home when this wind carried me here. Explain.

Christie- How about you figure it out yourself like a real novelist.

Rowling- You have no idea who you’re messing with, Muggle.

Christie- Don’t get too big for your boots- Joanne Jo Kathleen Rowling.

Doyle- Sounds like a case for Sherlock Holmes

Wodehouse-Such a serious bunch. Lighten up!

Riordan- I know right!

Alex- You are all here. How? I mean, Agatha Christie, J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, P.G. Wodehouse, William Shakespeare, Ruskin Bond and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. All here. Umm, can I help you?

Christie- Perhaps, we are here to help you.

Shakespeare- Is anything troubling you, my dear?

Alex- Only my novel. No one thinks it’s any good.

Bond- We’re the experts of that.

Rowling- I struggled for 7 years with my hit Harry Potter series. We know what you are going through.

Riordan-Do have a good climax?

Alex- A what now?

Wodehouse- He means the action scene.

Shakespeare- In the mountain of writing

Alex- Could you elaborate, please?

Bond- Step 1- Decide the theme

Riordan- Step 2- Draft the opening

Wodehouse- Step 3- Draft the setting

Christie- Step 4- Draft the action

Rowling- Step 5- Draft the Climax

Shakespeare- Step 6- Draft the conflicts

Doyle- And last but not the least, Step 7- Draft a solid resolution.

Alex- Thank you!

Shakespeare- I fear our time with you is ending. Here is some final advice.

Shakespeare- People’s good deeds we write in water. The bad deeds are etched in brass  

Bond- Always have a paper basket with you. When you dislike and idea you can start afresh

Rowling- What you write becomes who you are. So make sure you love your writing.

Christie- Writing is a great comfort for me. People who are unsure about themselves have trouble expressing themselves

Doyle- The world is full of obvious things which no one ever notices

Wodehouse- I am never really comfortable unless I’m writing or I have a story going

Riordan- Identify the moral dilemma driving the problem so the reader wonders what they would do in the place of the protagonist.

Alex- Wow! I have to write my novel now- A visit from the past

Narrator 1- Alex is slaving away with a spring in her step. She is now going to the editor again.

Editor 1- You again, eh!

Alex- Give it a read.

Editor 2- Wow! I can’t believe it’s written by the same person.

Editor1- We’ll look in to your novel.

Alex-Thank you!

Narrator 2- So you see, if you want something you have to INQUIRE TO ASPIRE!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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