Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Recipes, Write-Ups, Written Work

That One Time I Murdered a Ginger Bread Man

(Or When I Made Eggless Chocolate Chip Sugar Butter Cookies)

Hey guys! Anvi here. First things first, I made cookies! Yay! More specifically chocolate chip cookies with butter and sugar! Yum!
Now that we’ve gotten over an esplosione of exclamation marks, let’s cut to the way the cookie crumbles. (All puns intended.)
I have always loved cookies and who doesn’t? (totally rhetorical question btw, i seriously do not want to know, stay away from me cookie anarchists! viva le cookies!) And ever since my winter break started, I had been dying to make some cookies.
And then I had a revelation! I could! I could make cookies, it couldn’t be that hard, could it? It’s not like it’s rocket science or molecular biology! (shivers)

(In hindsight, I probably should have gotten a few contingencies in place, like a fire extinguisher, backup recipes, enough ingredients to feed an army and maybe some how-to guides like remedial recipes for divine dunces. But, anyway, read on…
Warning: It’s not pretty. Like At All.)

The recipe I used is from hebbars kitchen's eggless chocolate chip cookies[1].

Eggless Chocolate Chip Sugar Butter Cookies Recipe
PREP TIME: 30 Minutes
COOK TIME: 15 Minutes Per Batch
SERVINGS: 6 Per Batch
Ingredients Required
▢½ cup butter
▢1 cup sugar
▢1 cup flour
▢½ tsp baking soda
▢a pinch of salt as needed
▢1 tsp vanilla extract
▢3 tbsp warm milk
▢handful of chocolate chips
1. Firstly, in a large mixing bowl mix one cup butter and add one cup sugar.
2. Whisk till the butter and sugar turn creamy.
3. Sieve in take 1 cup flour, ½ tsp baking soda and a pinch of salt as needed.
4. Add 1 tsp vanilla extract, 3 tbsp warm milk and combine well.
5. Knead the dough and combine gently
6. Make small balls and roll the batter. Cut shapes with shape cutters if needed.
7. Place the cookies in baking tray lined with butter paper.
8. Add chocolate chip cookies as required.
9. Bake the cookies in oven for 15 minutes per batch
10. Cool the cookies for 5 minutes on the tray, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
11. Enjoy!
Recipe used for chocolate chip cookies

I see you’re back then, so I hope you’re interested! I followed this recipe to a T, (uh, well mostly,) so I was hoping for perfection. But as it turns out, your first batch of cookies is never amazing, but certainly better than your third!
I mixed all the ingredients and mixed the dough in a dough maker. Next, was rolling the dough. I took the largest rolling pin we had, (a whopping one and a half feet long!), and began. Needless to say, my first attempt turned a slightly off-center lump into an even uglier off center weird oval of dough. I turned it back into a ball and yelled for my mom.
My mom assessed my work and immediately took charge of the program. She taught me how to roll dough. (Hint: use dry flour to keep dough from sticking to the rolling pin. But don’t use too much or cookies will taste like dry flour. I learnt that the hard way.)
I learnt how to roll dough and cut the cookies into Christmas trees and Gingerbread Men! Cookie murder had never been more delicious. Muahahaha!
I happily set the cookies into the baking tray and put into the oven. And then I stuffed my face with cookie dough! Ah, heaven. I finally know why there’s a cookie dough ice cream flavour. You learn something new everyday!
I took the cookies out after 15 minutes but to my dismay, the ones in the centre were all dark and burny! Hmph! Blast you stupid oven. In a totally unrelated matter, I have a bandage on my hand and a dent in my oven. Moving on!
I knew better this time and kept the cookies on the sides. 13.2 Minutes I took out a batch of perfect cookies! Yay!
20 Minutes later, I learnt a hard truth of life. It may seem implausible to all you naive cookie-ers but it’s true. I learnt Youtube is not the most important thing in my Life! Gasp! But I know, it’s true. Let me explain…
The third batch of cookies was 100% burnt and I understood, DON’T YOUTUBE WHILE COOKING! We lost a lot of good dough that day, and my only regret is the loss and sacrifice of those brave cookies. We salute you.

So there you have it, folks! A play by play of a battle we may have won, but it took a lot of brave (ginger bread) men to do it. But, we did warn you. We all knew going to this war, it was not going to be easy and all we can do is remember the brave cookies who lost their lives doing it.

Welp! Next project, Donuts…(Cue the evil laugh. Muahahaha!)


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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