Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Poems


Fourth in the Forevermore Series – Preserve:

They say, “You will always be judged on your own merits,”
When someone else fails, not yours is the credit,
But that’s just ridiculous when the judging’s relative,
When I know I was the true winner, how can I be anything but negative?

They say I got what I deserved,
Only that which can be, must be preserved,
I’m sorry I couldn’t hold on,
But my ideas are my downfall – from dusk to dawn,

Now they’re taking revenge,
I’m sorry our love, I could not avenge,
And the others tell me to leave, and go whence I came,
But how do I tell them, nothing ever stays the same,

I came in here – bold as brass,
I scoffed and jeered at them to let me pass,
But now it’s come to bite me back, like a knife in the back,
And now they tell me, my last is on the track,

I’m sorry, I couldn’t preserve my sanity,
I was blinded by misconceptions, beauty and vanity,
So I’m sorry, because I cannot fight back much longer,
But I couldn’t hold on, because my fears were made to be conquered.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Poems

Living Daymares

My beautiful world,
Oh, how you have changed,
My beautiful world,
Oh, the variations that you have made,

The only one I trusted,
But now my faith’s been rusted,
They say, that the past is the past,
Give me one chance, and here I will last,

In these shadows, the memories that we shared,
Come to haunt me, like a living daymare,
What’s done is done,
You’re never coming back now.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Higher Power III

Every action monitored,
Like everything I did mattered,
Well, I’m flattered,
But the challenges have left me battered,
So as I lay here with my dying breath,
I embrace you with open arms: death,
Because whatever tortures you have waiting in your hells,
Are nothing compared to the nightmares of being myself.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

When I Look into the Mirror…

When I look into the mirror,
I see myself as but an actor,
When I look into the mirror,
I feel like a mortal, but mere-er,
When I look into the mirror,
Is it me I see, or someone dearer?

When I glance at my reflection,
I look like someone deep in thought, in contemplation,
When I glance at my reflection,
The raw light in me takes a deflection,
When I glance at my reflection,
I always have a fear of rejection,

When I peer into clear glass,
The ugliness inside of me, does amass,
When I peer into clear glass,
I see myself for who I really am, plainly crass,
When I peer into clear glass,
The truth is seen, greener than other-side grass,

When I view the perfectly-clear water,
I see myself as the perfect daughter,
When I view the perfectly-clear water,
The darkness within me, I do wish to slaughter,
When I view the perfectly-clear water,
I feel like a deserted marauder,

When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Would I then, finally come to my senses?
When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Will my soul finally take a consensus?
When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Of who I am, behind all the pretenses?

When I look into the mirror,
I finally see myself, but clearer.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Thy Code, Neu Felles Errantes

All those who wander,

Are never truly lost,

However, fears I do not launder,

Everything comes at a cost,

Take, a peek, or two if you dare,

Though do not expect a welcome swell,

In fact, expect a few of snarl and glare,

For here, all kinds do dwell…

The horrors contained here, I do not sugarcoat,

Creatures, demons of all types,

Witches, traitors, liars, murderers, and turncoats,

Ones who’ll wait to eat, till you’re ripe,

I will no advice to be without fear,

For only fools and children are unscared,

Though I will say to not fear itself: fear,

Contrary to what popular opinion cared,

Now seven truths, I will give,

Never fear the dark, and what it may contain,

Never judge a person, by what they may misgive,

It is of utmost importance, A ledger you maintain,

For you must learn from sin and pay forgotten debt,

Never interfere in the natural order of life,

Else you must may the red price; three are now left,

Embrace, joy of the world, and swear to end all strife,

Be forever alone, as thy life may hold dear to the world,

To end with utmost importance,

For danger, dark and hate, no fear must you in your heart hold,

For there is light to be found, errantes, hidden perchance.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Series

My Feelings on Hospitals Part I

Hospitals have traditionally been described as places to receive treatment for medical ailments, maladies, wounds and as dispensaries of surgery and tests. The same treatments can be obtained from a witch’s cauldron, though I heartily hope you won’t consider it be a quick replacement to your local hospital. Children’s books, however, describe hospitals as scary…

My Feelings on Hospitals Part II

Read Part I of this series here…In my last post, I spoke about how hospitals had been described. In the second part of this series, I would like to talk about my experience with Hospitals. After all, this is called ‘My Feelings on Hospitals.’ I personally have never been to a hospital (thank god), and…


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Part II

Read Part I of this series here…
In my last post, I spoke about how hospitals had been described. In the second part of this series, I would like to talk about my experience with Hospitals. After all, this is called ‘My Feelings on Hospitals.’

I personally have never been to a hospital (thank god), and I’m talking about a proper hospital. I have been to clinics a lot and I think my pediatrician is just about done with me, ’cause my medical file must be eating a lot of space on her tablet.
I have tons of allergies including dust (How on earth can you undust everything?), smoke (There goes my cooking career. Goodbye Masterchef!) and chlorine (Thanks a lot, dad. Now I can never have a real summer of fun because I can’t swim in chlorinated water, which just happens to be 90% of all water). But I don’t like to complain.

I have had a lot of interesting incidences. From tormenting black kernels of popcorn in noses leading to a traumatising instance with the doctor threatening to cut my nose off if I did not cooperate, (He actually said that! And he pointed to the guy outside his office with heavy bandages covering his entire nose. I was scared!) to me being extremely overenthusiastic (still true) to see my mother after school leading to an extremely painful and embarrassing accident with me rolling down two flights of stairs (i’m not really still into that) and ending with bleeding knees in the backseat of a car.

Don’t worry, I’m alright even if I still have the scars to prove it. (wink) I could regale you with multiple anecdotes of my narrow misses of death (brushes invisible speck of dust off shoulder) but this post is not about that. (also, do you think I should? make a post about that I mean? never mind, I’m getting off-topic)

The point of all of my incessant rambling is, Hospitals can be amazing! They symbolise hope and cure and all of the developments of the 21st century (as opposed to Jane Austen’s 19th century). They save lives and hey, anyone who gives out free desk candy, is okay in my book.

And just like the previous post of this series, I’m ending this with a thought. Do you think hospitals symbolise hope or are they just a painful and cruel reminder to all those who loved the people medicine just couldn’t save? Ponder on that and I’ve given the English teachers something to make all you lazybones write about. Sorry, I did mention I sold out for fame and freedom, right?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Write-Ups, Written Work

My Feelings on Hospitals Part I

Hospitals have traditionally been described as places to receive treatment for medical ailments, maladies, wounds and as dispensaries of surgery and tests. The same treatments can be obtained from a witch’s cauldron, though I heartily hope you won’t consider it be a quick replacement to your local hospital.

Children’s books, however, describe hospitals as scary with lots of sharp instruments and painful treatments. Thus, every child grows up with natural impulse to hate the Doctor’s and that’s just before the needles start flashing.

Middle-Year Fiction for Teenagers describe hospitals as cold and dreary with desolate coloring, over cheery nurses who act like they’re just out of Pants on Fire and a store of old people and patients depressed about their life.

Movies based on Jane Austen’s novels which take place in the 1800s, show Doctor’s as completely inexperienced, with painful and useless torture methods…uh, I mean, cures, of course and being primarily and absolutely male. Which is no doubt a leading cause of their inexperience. That, and the fact medicinal practices were awfully outdated and that praying was the main hope for patients. Always remember, Satan takes his dues!

Hospitals. To me, a person who is prone to allergies and colds at the worst possible time, (for example: during a world wide epidemic of a virus with no cure) hospitals symbolize everything that could or could not, will or will not happen. It’s like a crossroads and I’m blindfolded and covered in a sack and blindly walking to what I hope is best. Of course, Hospitals can be good too, yes I’m serious. Every time I go to the Optician, I get a new power for new glasses, which is always fun. So Hospitals like almost everything in life are pro and con. The only question left to raise is, which aspect will you focus on?

So after all that, what really are hospitals? Are they all the things above or none of them? Take your time choosing. Me? I’m going to sit safely at home and spend my time groveling and praying to the gods for mercy against COVID-19. Happy 3rd Day of Navratri!
Read Part II of this series here…


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Emotion (Incandescence), Imageries, Incandescence, Poems

It All Made Sense To Me

When you showed up at my door,
In the cold October snow,
With the dimples on your cheek,
And the freckles on your chin,
It All Made Sense To Me,

When you showed up in the rain,
In my apartment b’hind the lane,
With a trembling little puppy,
And your sun-kissed drenched skin,
It All Made Sense To Me,

When you showed up with your mother,
In the scorching hot Virginia summer,
With your cheeky-little smile,
And your scrunched-up bunchy brows,
It All Made Sense To Me,

When you showed up in the storm,
With your sister in my dorm,
With you sparkling bright-green eyes,
And your dark tanned skin,
It All Made Sense To Me,

And then I showed up in the spring,
With a velvet box and a ring,
It All Made Sense To Me,
Yeah, It All Made Sense To Me,
‘Cause we were meant to be.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)


Today is a joyous day,
Of hope and cheer and of merry,
The wreaths on the doors,
And trees decorated and shiny,
Christmas is a time for celebration,
Of twinkling lights and ornaments fair,
To be safe with our loved ones,
A shelter from this wintry storm,
See the pretty snowflakes falling,
Look into the gardens,
Where the grass that ‘twas green,
No longer a blade is to be seen,
May this Christmas be the first of many,
When we celebrate all that we have got,
And in our love there is an instance of forever,
The sense of being home when we’re together!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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