Anvi Tuteja, Articles, Write-Ups, Written Work

Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Christian Louse Lange rightly said, “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”

 In this tech savvy generation and life style it is a miracle we have time to make our hair. All of us sing the same tune- Homework, Exams and Social Media. But does family or reading books come into this routine? Both of these are just as important. Reading is a boon in so many ways and family? You wouldn’t even be here without it.

Technology VS. Reading Books: The Choice is Yours

Research proves that if children spent half the time they spend on social media studying, Einstein’s would be popping up everywhere. Just give reading a try and don’t give up in desperation after a few failed attempts, just find your genre and exploit it. Not only does reading increase your imagination and manners it also prevents social awkwardness.

Do you know technology causes isolation or makes you solitary? You all are probably thinking that technology connects us with friends who live far away, so how is it that the very means that connect us make us solitary?  Online interactions take away from our conversations with people who may be in the same room as us.  We land up ignoring these in our immediate surroundings.

Well, technology is great when used in moderation but addiction grips us like a cat pouncing on a helpless mouse.  Luckily for all you victimized mice, we have a miracle cure! No, it is not laughter but reading books, though a good joke can go a long way too.

Reading is a wonderful source of interest for all generations. Another bonus is it does not cause death. Yes, according to the CNN, technology increases your risk of dying by 26%

So the choice is yours, what will you pick -books or technology?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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