Anvi Tuteja, Legend says that, The WONDER Capsule, Vinci

A Man Called Legend by Vinciya “Vinci” Jose

Writing Prompt: Legend says that if you breathe in and out ten times in front of a mirror something strange happens.

Once there lived a man called Legend.

People used to think that he was mad because he always used to say, “When you breathe in front of the mirror ten times something strange happens.”

Once when he was telling this on the street, a brave girl called Vinci heard it and wanted to try and see what would happen.

Do you know what happened???

When she breathed for the 10th time, suddenly a woman with  a white face appeared and said, “No person dared to breathe in front of the mirror but you did.”

Suddenly she heard a strange voice.

“Wake up Vinci, it’s time for, school!”

It was her dad and at last, she realized it was just a dream!

But then there was really a man called Legend in their street who kept saying, “When you breathe in front of the mirror ten times something strange happens…”

A team of scientists, Anvi Tuteja, The WONDER Capsule, Vinci

Alex and the Apple by Vinciya “Vinci” Jose

Writing Exercise: A team of scientists have successfully teleported an apple. It reappears with a bite taken out of it.

One night, a team of scientists successfully teleported an apple. They said to each other that it will only be exposed to the public by the next morning. But they didn’t know where to preserve it.

In that team, there was a guy called Alex.

He said, “I will take care of the apple, you all can go take a rest.”

So all went to sleep. The next morning all woke up and saw that the apple was not there. They questioned Alex as to where it had gone. He said he didn’t know anything.

Alex had the sleepwalking disease. So on that night as he was angry and unable to sleep, he had eaten the apple, in his sleep. The scientists didn’t know who ate it so they re-invented the machine, and exposed to the public the newly teleported apple by that evening.

Anvi Tuteja, Backstory Exercise, The WONDER Capsule, Vinci

Backstories by Vinciya “Vinci” Jose

Backstory Exercise: Look at pictures, and think of backstories for each character.

The only great magician in the world, the great Cheng was Chinese. Nobody now knows how he became a great magician but I do! Here’s his back story…

When I went to throw the garbage in the bin out of my house, I heard a baby crying. I took the baby and took care of it. As I was also a magician, I could see the past and the future of everyone’s life and, when I started to see his past, I came to know that a girl who didn’t want a baby left him here. Then I made up my mind to adopt him as my son and ensured he become the great magician ever.