Anvi Tuteja, Shreedarshini, The last human in the universe, The WONDER Capsule

The Story of Rohan by Shreedarshini

Writing Prompt: The last human in the universe heard a knock on the door…

Rohan was a happy child – always laughing and playing and having a happy time. One day Rohan went to sleep and woke up in the morning to find no one around him. He wondered where his parents went, leaving him. He goes to search outside and finds not a single person. He stood there in shock looking at the empty land with no people. He couldn’t realize what was happening. Then he slowly recognised that he is the only person left in the world.

He sat in a dark room, not knowing what to do – sobbing as lonely as a deserted ship. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He opens to find God, who says to him that he is the last person in the world and he can ask for any wish he wants.

Without even thinking for a second, Rohan asks God to send all the people back to the world. Looking at the innocent heart of the child, God grants him his wish and sends all the people back to the world just for him.

Anvi Tuteja, Pavithra K, The last human in the universe, The WONDER Capsule

Last Human by Pavithra K

Writing Prompt: The last human in the universe heard a knock on the door…

At the time of the world that time ended, there was only a lonely boy whose name was unknown. He knew nothing about what to do in this new world.  He was curious and he had the powers to grow the lands and make them full of nature but as he used all the powers, there was a sign of death ringing in his heart and then heard a knock on his door.