Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

Lily and Vinay by Shreya

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

There was a safe wealthy heiress where priceless jewels were stolen, we had to find out who had done it so we all checked the rooms If we could find any clue we found muddy footprints and one bracelet, Then we decided to go around the kingdom to catch the thief and when the bracelet was shown to the people a small girl named lily came out and shouted that it was her bracelet. Lily was an orphan living with her brother Vinay. When Lily told them that it was her brother who stole the bracelet, they pulled him in the front and questioned him as to why he stole the bracelet.

Vinay replied, “It was me, I did it because I can’t work and take care of her and I don’t have sufficient money to educate her so I did this.”

All were in tears hearing Vinay’s response. And the kind prince told them at that time, “From now you are under my responsibility. I will take care of you.”

All lived happily.

An elderly couple spends, Anvi Tuteja, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

The Smart Children by Shreya

Writing Prompt: An elderly couple spends all their money on lottery tickets, and their three grown children can’t agree on what to do with them.

There once lived a couple who were greedy for money. They had three grown children who were very sweet. One day there was a competition for lottery tickets and these couples spent all the money on the lottery tickets and had nothing left. But their three children thought of teaching their parents a lesson because they didn’t have anything to eat and lead their life, So the smart children collected some cardboard boxes and made beautiful craftwork and sold it to other villagers and they earned lots of money,  now they had enough money to lead their life, by this their parents also learnt that spending money can be easy but earning is very hard.