Anvi Tuteja, Mountains Imagery, Rohini, The WONDER Capsule

Reach the Peak by Rohini

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

The sun is rising, leaving the darkness beyond. The vibrant ones are becoming more visible. The real beauty of nature is giving us the hope to move forward. The sunrise is giving us the hope to move forward. The sunrise is giving us strength to reach the peak.

Anvi Tuteja, Mountains Imagery, Ragini, The WONDER Capsule

Calling Me by Ragini

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

In this imagery, the sky colour is bright pink and a light fog wraps around the mountain range.

In this image, there is a relaxing feel of the mountains making it perfect for letting stress disappear and to letting peace find a way. There is so much space.

In this image, I feel like the mountain is calling me. I must go…

Anvi Tuteja, Kusumanjali, Mountains Imagery, The WONDER Capsule

Purplish Sky by Kusumanjali

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

The mountain following the purplish sky, the sky moving without knowing where to end, finally stopped at a place where there was a big lake. The sky looked down and it saw its own reflection and felt its beauty!

Anvi Tuteja, Mountains Imagery, Shreedarshini, The WONDER Capsule

Mountains by Shreedarshini

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

A place of wonder, with a huge mountain in the distance, covered with a blanket of snow, is trying to increase its level to reach the sky. Against the red, it is teaching us to love our brothers. Feeling the cool breeze, and hearing the birds chirp, I stood there admiring the beauty of the enchanted world with lots of magic and secrets to tell.