Anvi Tuteja, Legend says that, The WONDER Capsule, Vinci

A Man Called Legend by Vinciya “Vinci” Jose

Writing Prompt: Legend says that if you breathe in and out ten times in front of a mirror something strange happens.

Once there lived a man called Legend.

People used to think that he was mad because he always used to say, “When you breathe in front of the mirror ten times something strange happens.”

Once when he was telling this on the street, a brave girl called Vinci heard it and wanted to try and see what would happen.

Do you know what happened???

When she breathed for the 10th time, suddenly a woman with  a white face appeared and said, “No person dared to breathe in front of the mirror but you did.”

Suddenly she heard a strange voice.

“Wake up Vinci, it’s time for, school!”

It was her dad and at last, she realized it was just a dream!

But then there was really a man called Legend in their street who kept saying, “When you breathe in front of the mirror ten times something strange happens…”