Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

Lily and Vinay by Shreya

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

There was a safe wealthy heiress where priceless jewels were stolen, we had to find out who had done it so we all checked the rooms If we could find any clue we found muddy footprints and one bracelet, Then we decided to go around the kingdom to catch the thief and when the bracelet was shown to the people a small girl named lily came out and shouted that it was her bracelet. Lily was an orphan living with her brother Vinay. When Lily told them that it was her brother who stole the bracelet, they pulled him in the front and questioned him as to why he stole the bracelet.

Vinay replied, “It was me, I did it because I can’t work and take care of her and I don’t have sufficient money to educate her so I did this.”

All were in tears hearing Vinay’s response. And the kind prince told them at that time, “From now you are under my responsibility. I will take care of you.”

All lived happily.

Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Nanditha C, The WONDER Capsule

The Priceless Jewels by Nanditha C

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

Dhritti was one of the richest girl in town. She had the most expensive jewels and had kept it as a secret. Her three best friends knew about it. One day all of a sudden her jewels were missing. Dhritti immediately called the cops. The investigation was started. The detectors searched for fingerprints in the spot but did not find any. The three suspects were Paris, Ananya, and Jordan-Dhritti’s best friends. Paris was a journalist and made a statement that she was out of town when the robbery had taken place. Ananya is a youtuber and said that she was making reels in her house. Jordan was studying. She gave a statement that she had gone out with her family. The police found something suspicious in the spot. It was a paper dropped by the robber. The paper had all the information about the jewel – it’s price, the stones present in it, the weight of the jewel, etc. The police caught the robber. Can you guess who the robber is??

Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Suhana, The WONDER Capsule

Creating Clues by Suhana

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

— A tore piece of glove was on the floor .

–Diamond jewels were not in the almirah .

–Muddy foot prints were on the floor so the robber might have been done few hours ago .

–The heiress had a fight with one of his employee , he might have done it .

–The robbery was done in the store .

–Heiress went for a meeting for one day, this might have been done in the mean time .