An elderly couple spends, Anvi Tuteja, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

The Smart Children by Shreya

Writing Prompt: An elderly couple spends all their money on lottery tickets, and their three grown children can’t agree on what to do with them.

There once lived a couple who were greedy for money. They had three grown children who were very sweet. One day there was a competition for lottery tickets and these couples spent all the money on the lottery tickets and had nothing left. But their three children thought of teaching their parents a lesson because they didn’t have anything to eat and lead their life, So the smart children collected some cardboard boxes and made beautiful craftwork and sold it to other villagers and they earned lots of money,  now they had enough money to lead their life, by this their parents also learnt that spending money can be easy but earning is very hard. 

An elderly couple spends, Anvi Tuteja, Diksha, The WONDER Capsule

Great Valley of Laughter by Diksha

Writing Prompt: An elderly couple spends all their money on lottery tickets, and their three grown children can’t agree on what to do with them.

Once in the city of ‘great valley of laugher’ there lived an elderly couple and their three grown children. They always spent a good amount of quality time together and had never fought. On a fine day or so, the elderly couple were passing in the market and found a lottery stall, and they wanted to try their luck but were also scared about whether they would win or lose so they had a plan for buying all the lottery tickets but didn’t have enough money, so they brought a lottery ticket and spent all their money on that.

They went home happily to share this with their children and to see their reactions.

 “What???” screamed Riya.

“All our money is spent!” Santhosh raised his voice in anger. 

“Wait, Wait, don’t scream!” said Maria.

Riya said, “What do you mean by ‘Don’t scream’, are you even understanding that they spent all money!”

“Exactly!” Santhosh said, “And now we have nothing! Not even a penny!”

Maria said, “Wait!”

Seeing all this, the elderly couple was upset that their kids were having a fight, and tears rolled down their cheeks.

Maria saw everything and ran to their parents and consoled them and said, “Don’t worry, now we will go to the lottery shop and give this ticket back to them and get our money back.”

Riya and Santhosh finally understood that screaming and shouting wouldn’t help and what Maria said was the only option. They went to the shop but found it closed and now they didn’t know what to do.

Santosh said, “It’s fine, we will wait here till the shop opens and then we will exchange the ticket for money.”

They waited the whole night near the shop.

Finally, when it was 6 a.m. in the morning, there was a newspaper kept on the desk. Riya took it and read it, and screamed in happiness and checked the lottery a hundred times and said to her family, “Wow! We have won the lottery!”

An elderly couple spends, Anvi Tuteja, The WONDER Capsule, Vandana

Importance of Education by Vandana

Writing Prompt: An elderly couple spends all their money on lottery tickets, and their three grown children can’t agree what to do with them.

Once there lived a couple in the small city of Bangalore. After a few years, they had three children. The couple would always enjoy their life and spend all of their money on lottery tickets. The children said that as they were children, they should go to school.

Once the third child said, “Daddy and Mummy, we have to go to school. You never made us join school but instead were having a great time”.

Their father replied angrily, “Who are you to correct us?”

The children didn’t know what to do and they all left the decision to their parents. Once the mother realized their mistake, she spoke to her husband and corrected him. The husband understood his mistake.

The mom and dad went to the children and said, “Sorry, my children we will stop this, and educate you and make you happy”.

The children replied, “Thank you Daddy and Mummy!” and hugged them. They all lived happily lifelong.