A team of scientists, Anvi Tuteja, The WONDER Capsule, Vinci

Alex and the Apple by Vinciya “Vinci” Jose

Writing Exercise: A team of scientists have successfully teleported an apple. It reappears with a bite taken out of it.

One night, a team of scientists successfully teleported an apple. They said to each other that it will only be exposed to the public by the next morning. But they didn’t know where to preserve it.

In that team, there was a guy called Alex.

He said, “I will take care of the apple, you all can go take a rest.”

So all went to sleep. The next morning all woke up and saw that the apple was not there. They questioned Alex as to where it had gone. He said he didn’t know anything.

Alex had the sleepwalking disease. So on that night as he was angry and unable to sleep, he had eaten the apple, in his sleep. The scientists didn’t know who ate it so they re-invented the machine, and exposed to the public the newly teleported apple by that evening.