A mother discovers, Anvi Tuteja, The WONDER Capsule, Vandana

The Bankbook by Vandana

Writing Prompt: A mother discovers her teenage son’s bankbook showing millions in his account. 

Long long ago there lived a mother and her son in a cottage. They lived happily. As the mother was old, she could not go to work. The boy was an officer in a small company called SAP. He used to earn 50000 per month. The boy used to use 20000 and the remaining he would put into a bank account which was secretly maintained.

The son once said to his mother, “Come, let’s go shopping.”

His mom replied, “Okay son.”

They both went in a car. They both went in a car, they came back safely and reached their home. Every day the son would go to the office. His mother would clean the house and cook food.

One fine day, his mother got a phone call and when she picked up, a man said, “Unfortunately, your son has met with an accident, please come and meet the doctor soon.”

His mother cut the call and went to the cupboard. When she was searching for the health report, she found a bank book of her son. She found millions of money in her teenage son’s bank book.

She told the bank, “I am his mother, he has met with an accident, can you give me some amount of money?”

The bank gives her money. She rushes to the hospital and pays the doctor. After the treatment, she brings her son back home.

She tells him, “My dear son, sorry for taking money from your bank book which I found in the cupboard”.

The son replied, “It’s okay Maa, and I am sorry for not sharing with you about my bank book.”

His mother said “It’s alright,” and hugged him tightly.

The mother and son lived happily throughout their life.