Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other, The WONDER Capsule

Welcome to the WONDER CAPSULE!

Dear readers,

It’s great to be writing on my blog again and I’m completely aware that I haven’t been posting new content in an incredibly long time. My exams, projects, and volunteer work has just been piling up but I promise a LOT of work from here on out.

On that note, I’m pleased to present to y’all the WONDER CAPSULE! Recently, I decided to conduct a writing workshop with SHISHU MANDIR and VIDYA SCHOOL, wherein I shared some of my own writing knowledge with the students through online meetings.

I am delighted to share with everyone the brilliant work of all of my new friends. I hope you give them the hope and encouragement they so rightly deserve for ALL of their effort. And lastly, I hope you enjoy reading their work as much as I did, and will continue to give them your support, just like you have been supporting me for all this time.


Anvi 🙂

Read more of the WONDER CAPSULE here:

Anvi Tuteja, Brick Cottage Imagery, Rohini, The WONDER Capsule

Wickedness by Rohini

Imagery: A brick cottage in the suburbs; Pouring rain; The buttery glow of the street lamps…

Wickedness is all around us. There are people, many people who have committed sin. This evil makes the surroundings gloomy. Don’t compare yourself to others, and move a step forward. Even if there is darkness, you still have the strength to light up yourself, your house and your surroundings. It will make you more visible to others. Thus, the old man looked outside of his own bright house and was content with his selfless goodness.

Anvi Tuteja, Mountains Imagery, Rohini, The WONDER Capsule

Reach the Peak by Rohini

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

The sun is rising, leaving the darkness beyond. The vibrant ones are becoming more visible. The real beauty of nature is giving us the hope to move forward. The sunrise is giving us the hope to move forward. The sunrise is giving us strength to reach the peak.

Anvi Tuteja, Brick Cottage Imagery, Ragini, The WONDER Capsule

Bright Light by Ragini

Imagery: A brick cottage in the suburbs; Pouring rain; The buttery glow of the street lamps…

In this house, there is a chimney, the hot air goes up in this sky, and a bright light comes out of the house. A boy sees the view out of the window.

Anvi Tuteja, Mountains Imagery, Ragini, The WONDER Capsule

Calling Me by Ragini

Imagery: Mountain against a pink sky

In this imagery, the sky colour is bright pink and a light fog wraps around the mountain range.

In this image, there is a relaxing feel of the mountains making it perfect for letting stress disappear and to letting peace find a way. There is so much space.

In this image, I feel like the mountain is calling me. I must go…

Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

Lily and Vinay by Shreya

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

There was a safe wealthy heiress where priceless jewels were stolen, we had to find out who had done it so we all checked the rooms If we could find any clue we found muddy footprints and one bracelet, Then we decided to go around the kingdom to catch the thief and when the bracelet was shown to the people a small girl named lily came out and shouted that it was her bracelet. Lily was an orphan living with her brother Vinay. When Lily told them that it was her brother who stole the bracelet, they pulled him in the front and questioned him as to why he stole the bracelet.

Vinay replied, “It was me, I did it because I can’t work and take care of her and I don’t have sufficient money to educate her so I did this.”

All were in tears hearing Vinay’s response. And the kind prince told them at that time, “From now you are under my responsibility. I will take care of you.”

All lived happily.

An elderly couple spends, Anvi Tuteja, Shreya, The WONDER Capsule

The Smart Children by Shreya

Writing Prompt: An elderly couple spends all their money on lottery tickets, and their three grown children can’t agree on what to do with them.

There once lived a couple who were greedy for money. They had three grown children who were very sweet. One day there was a competition for lottery tickets and these couples spent all the money on the lottery tickets and had nothing left. But their three children thought of teaching their parents a lesson because they didn’t have anything to eat and lead their life, So the smart children collected some cardboard boxes and made beautiful craftwork and sold it to other villagers and they earned lots of money,  now they had enough money to lead their life, by this their parents also learnt that spending money can be easy but earning is very hard. 

Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Nanditha C, The WONDER Capsule

The Priceless Jewels by Nanditha C

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

Dhritti was one of the richest girl in town. She had the most expensive jewels and had kept it as a secret. Her three best friends knew about it. One day all of a sudden her jewels were missing. Dhritti immediately called the cops. The investigation was started. The detectors searched for fingerprints in the spot but did not find any. The three suspects were Paris, Ananya, and Jordan-Dhritti’s best friends. Paris was a journalist and made a statement that she was out of town when the robbery had taken place. Ananya is a youtuber and said that she was making reels in her house. Jordan was studying. She gave a statement that she had gone out with her family. The police found something suspicious in the spot. It was a paper dropped by the robber. The paper had all the information about the jewel – it’s price, the stones present in it, the weight of the jewel, etc. The police caught the robber. Can you guess who the robber is??

Anvi Tuteja, Forbidden Knowledge, Nanditha C, The WONDER Capsule

Burning Books by Nanditha C

Writing Prompt: Forbidden knowledge: You wake up in the famous library of Alexandria mere hours before it burns, destroying everything. You witness the arson and stealthily pursue those responsible.

All of a sudden I was lost. When I woke up I saw a big library full of books arranged neatly in the shelves. I went blank for a minute. Later I realized that I was in the biggest library. I started to take a glance at the books. Slowly I started to get a burnt smell. I was shocked. I could see that the library was actually burning with fire. I had to do something but was unable to. I ran to the desk and tried calling the fire station but the call did not get connected. The fire was slowly burning the books. I had no other choice but to run away from there. I saw a door and rushed towards it. I was finally outside. My eyes were filled with tears seeing the beautiful library burning out but couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Anvi Tuteja, Give Us A Clue, Suhana, The WONDER Capsule

Creating Clues by Suhana

Writing Prompt: Priceless jewels have been stolen from the safe of a wealthy heiress. Who dunnit?

— A tore piece of glove was on the floor .

–Diamond jewels were not in the almirah .

–Muddy foot prints were on the floor so the robber might have been done few hours ago .

–The heiress had a fight with one of his employee , he might have done it .

–The robbery was done in the store .

–Heiress went for a meeting for one day, this might have been done in the mean time .