Anvi Tuteja, Short Stories, Write-Ups

Judged and Found Wanting: A Verdict by Anvi Tuteja

My name was carved on a rock outside our home the night I was born. That’s what my parents tell me. It was etched in jagged letters with the cryptic inscription Name of Your Child preceding it. 


The rock had always been a source of intrigue, and mystery for me. Ever since the first time my parents told me the story – when I was six years old, staring up at my parents, spellbound – I have been captivated by my naming grace – a rock, believe it or not.

They told me it was Fate. The Fates themselves had come to bless me on my day of birth. With their strings of life, a new strand was created – just for me, and was imbibed in the roots of the most ancient tree, or so the legend went. By their transformative magic, the Fates breathed my name onto the root and a rock emerged, bearing my name.

“But what happened to the rock?” I asked them when I grew up.

“Well, it disappeared the day after we named you.” 

“And the tree?” I inquired. “What happened to the most ancient tree, thrice blessed by the Fates?”

“It still grows in our yard, serving as a remembrance of the spirit living on in you.”

All of this felt too cryptic, too convenient, and definitely, more than a little conspicuous. Thus, one fine, boiling, summer afternoon, usual for the month of July, I reached the so called ‘ancient tree’, hidden among the dozens of others in our yard, though a more apt word would be forest or even the woodland behind our house.

The tree looked nothing special, certainly not special enough to worthy of the Three Fates themselves. I peered carefully ‘round it’s slightly yellowing bark, reddish-green leaves and glanced at the small, almost completely invisible inscription under the third branch on the left. My Initials.

I had discovered them ages ago, and as far as I knew, no one but me could see them. I showed them to my parents, friends, the neighbourhood mailman and even my family dog – Daisy. Their only reaction had been a nonchalant glance, a bored shrug, a concerned shoulder pat and a quizzical bark. (The last one clearly being Daisy’s reaction – before she ran around the trees, looking for a stick for me to throw.)

I brushed my fingers against the mark; it was cold as ice. I frowned. That was strange, in this boiling heat, it should have been warm, at the very least, if not sizzling. I traced the elaborate curves of the letter, and suddenly, a freezing wind suddenly broke through the humid July weather.

The chilly breeze had me clinging to the tree’s trunk as it was dizzyingly frigid. It seemed to pull at my very soul and turned my veins to ice. I heard a thousand sorrows in my mind, and a plaguing scream struck through my mind. The water droplets clung to my skin and reminded me of my worst nightmares – it was all too much for me. I was starting to fade away…

And soon, somehow, as mysteriously as it first arrived, it dissipated, and the temperature around me cooled, as the leaves of the ancient tree stopped swaying. But I noticed that every other tree was still being pulled into the freezing wind, shaking desperately with each howl of the wind.

As soon as I stepped out of the protective radius of the tree, the sinking, freezing feeling returned and I clawed my way back desperately to the tree, which was somehow protecting me from the gales.

I once again brushed my palm against the Initials and they seemed to work as a trigger, and the hellish wind once again ceased, but this time – seemingly for good.

I was shellshocked, and I leaned with my back against the tree to suck in a breath of sweet mercy and life. Sweet, precious life, which I would never gamble with again.

A terrible thought rooted in my mind, and I could not stop it from flourishing. With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I knew where I had heard of that cold, hellish feeling before.

It was from the birthplace of the Fates – the residence of the unWanted’s of the Mourning Fields and the destroyer of souls. The plaguing noises were a Calling from the Underworld themselves. Hades’ minions were Calling to me and the terrible sounds were the screams of the Damned in Tartarus. The water which now still clung to my skin was from the Acheron, born of the Styx and the Cocytus, hatred and misery, uniting to form pain.

My knees gave out and I sunk to the ground, one arm still wrapped around the tree trunk for support that could no longer help me, carry me and I realised, protect me. The tree had protected me for years, and now, by foolishly invoking Hades’ daimons, I had revoked that protection and turned my back on the Fates.

My head leaned back against the tree, and I heard a piercing voice in my head, that somehow seemed to echo all around me. The cruel laughing voice was instantly recognizable. Hades.

“Desire is a dangerous thing, little Mortal,” he tutted, still laughing. “You shall pay for the sins of your past life. Your misdemeanours in Elysium’s fields. Your curious misadventures in the Mourning Fields. Wandering in Asphodel can make you mortals insane; did you forget that?” he taunted.

And, delivering the death blow, he said: “You had been warned, Mortal. And now you have been cursed. You have been judged and have been found Wanting.”

And his cruel laugh echoed, like a poisoned rose’s thorn, a lost heir’s birth right, and the broken crown’s shine, all the way down to the Underworld.


Will This Be The Ending?

Anvi Tuteja, Quotes and More, Short Stories, Write-Ups

Euripides’ Medea and Life

“Stronger than Lover’s Love is Lover’s Hate,
Incurable in each, the wounds they make.”
Euripedes’ Medea

When Jason went to retrieve the Golden Fleece to ensure prosperity and bountiful harvests for all of Greece, he journeyed to Colchis. The Greeks believed Colchis was at the edge of the known world, and Jason’s journey was a dangerous and perilous one, but one of honour to restore his throne and kingdom.
Upon reaching Colchis, Medea, the princess of Colchis fell in love with Jason, by the will of the goddesses: Aphrodite, Athena and Hera.
Medea’s father, the King, was not impressed with this upstart Greek and said that if he wanted the Golden Fleece, he would have to get it himself…past a fire-breathing dragon and skeletal soldiers.
Medea, a sorceress, vowed to help Jason if he would take her away with him to Greece. Jason agreed and with the help of Medea, he stole the Golden Fleece. They sailed off to Greece, but fell in danger every step of the way, because of a curse Medea had bestowed upon them when she killed her own brother under the facade of a truce.

Medea, a tragedy by Euripides, performed in 431 BCE. One of Euripides’ most powerful and best-known plays, Medea is a remarkable story of injustice, ruthless revenge and the mistreatment of a woman.
When Jason casts Medea off and decides to marry the Princess of Corinth, Medea is determined on revenge, and after a dreadful mental struggle between her passionate sense of injury and her love for her children, she decides to punish her husband by murdering both her sons and his future wife. She steels herself to commit these deeds and then escapes in the chariot of her grandfather, the sun-god Helios, leaving Jason without even the satisfaction of punishing her for her crimes. Euripides succeeds in evoking sympathy for the figure of Medea, who becomes, to some extent a representative of women’s oppression in general.

Now that we’ve got the backstory stuff covered, I want to talk about the real reason I chose to share this quote with all of you.
Let’s get the quote back here:
“Stronger than Lover’s Love is Lover’s Hate,
Incurable in each, the wounds they make.”

What is the difference between hatred and love? What is the difference between a wound and a scar? What is the difference between weakness and strength?
The answer, ladies and gentlemen, is time. Time heals all wounds. As the saying goes, Life Goes On.
It’s true, Life goes on, irrespective of you and your emotions. Nothing, not even the gods, can stop the cruel, inexorable and relentless passage of time.
But time yields wonderful results, the blooming of a flower, the growth of a child, the progress of humanity. So my advice, to everyone, today, is to live in the present. Enjoy life as it comes. As a great man once said,
“Life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans.”
Thank you all. Stay Safe.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Rebellion (Incandescence), Short Stories, Write-Ups

My Swan Song

It had been a time of great change. The humans were to blame.
Their world was disappearing inch by precious inch: a lush, sun-drenched land full of colour and life becoming a barren, ruinous, grey wasteland.
What would become of them all? Was there even a future?

If there was, it certainly wasn’t bright, or merry, or beautiful, or any of the things it was before.
But they couldn’t complain, could they? They had brought this on themselves. But was that really their fault? They had just been doing what they had been for years, for decades, for centuries, even. This effect had not been a quick fix of a few generations, but a causality of years of damage and heartbreak.
And slowly, nature, unable to contain the darkness within, grew rebellious and inflicted it on humanity. All greenery faded away. Bright changed to dull, and light to dark.
It was a time of infinite sorrows. Wars waged over food. Life pit brother against brother in the ultimate fight for life. It was the race. The race against time. Humanity fighting for seconds. For morsels. For crumbs.

And then came the aftermath. A set of new heroes entered the world. They built what their forefathers could not: a bond with nature. They created, discovered, innovated. But there was one thing they could not cure: Humanity’s thirst. Thirst for curiosity, for wisdom, for power.
And then they committed the greatest sin of all: Self-Harm. They erased their minds, Their memories, And were finally devoid of emotion.
And one could argue that this was the Afterglow. Life prospered. Blissfully ignorant. Unaware that the meadows they played over were the graves of the many. That they had walked over the cold corpses of the race known as ‘The Before.’
In one way, this was their saviour. Ignorance was Bliss, at least for them. But then there were those who began to remember. It started with the children. Their minds were young. New. Blissfully Naive in the ways of the world. And it started with the nightmares. Visons. Hallucinations.
And then came the flashbacks. The memory of the sin they committed.
And what to do but then. The ones who talked had to be silenced. It was a necessary sacrifice. A necessary sacrifice. Those were the words that lured them to sleep at night. The many becoming the few becoming the one. Constant vigilance. It was a necessary sacrifice…
And then humanity moved on. The screams of those tortured before being cut off by the sound of a single shot, became commonplace in the new world. Their creation had done nothing. Nothing. But the people were used to it. And they were obstinate. Stubborn.
And then there were those who rebelled. Met in the shrouds of secrecy and darkness. We began our secret society. The Secret Society of the Survivors. And one day we ran.
We fled. Abandoning all our principles. The very thing that brought us together, urged us to flee. And we left, leaving them all to a merciless fate.
I still remember their screams. Their screams as they were torn apart. Destroyed. Obliterated. While we stood and watched and did nothing. We were their destruction. Their swan song.
And then we built this place. Far, Far away from those who had died. Died so that we could live. They had died believing they were alone. But they weren’t. We buried their bodies. Our comrades in arms. And then vowed never to return.
We began our own colony. On New-Terra. Life moved on. Humanity always does in the end. And now I stand here. On the edge of the new world. Standing. Waiting. That’s all I will do now. Simply Wait. Wait for all Eternity. Because they will come. And we will fight. Fight to avenge all those who were killed when it should have been us. We will stand together. Together and we will drive those mad brutes out. And then and only then will I finally rest. Rest in peace. Because I am the last of my people, ‘The Before’.
And until then I will wait. Standing here, Waiting, for Eternity. For my home. For My people, who died. And to avenge them, I will wait.
And to anyone who finds this, remember.
Remember them.
Remember me.
Remember the feeling of despair when you’re tumbling down the cliff.
Because that moment will come for you, as it does for us all.
Your swan song.
And this? This is my swan song.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Short Stories

The Misfortune of False Friends

“Why,” said my former best friend, Maria, “Why would you leave us, Lauren?

At that moment, I had a flashback. Yesterday I was picked up by the popular girls, snobbish, glamourous, with the most holier-than-thou attitude. They were jeering at Maria and Rose and I defended them. Their leader Mackenzie turned to me with a flick of her hair. I was prepared to retort to her witty remark but instead of lashing out at me, she put her hand on my shoulder and said,” Oh Laur, you’re one of the coolest and smartest girls in the grade. Join our gang, The MacZ’s.”

Her gang was the MacZ’s. And me thinking impulsively, at the spur of the moment made the biggest mistake of my life and agreed. As Maria and Rose said no, I turned to them and said,” Don’t be jealous of me Maria Thompson and Rose Peizer, just cause I’m better.” As the dispersal bell rang, I left with a glare.

Now here was Maria asking Why. I gave a scoff with a flick of my luscious locks leaving my former best friend sobbing. Then Kenzie came over and said,” Come on, Leave her.” As I was swept away by Kenzie, I realized I had broken my biggest rule of becoming a teenage cliché. We continued to jeer at the weaker ones who were my former friends. And I felt shallow being second-in-charge of the MacZ’s.

One fine day there was an incident that made me realize False friends are worse than open enemies. I had lost and been pummeled in dodgeball. I lay on the ground, unable to speak. I said in a whisper to Kenzie,” Help!”. But all she could say was,” Hey Cochrane, You’re now the hottest thing on Instagram, or as you might now think of it Instaspam!”. Then Maria and Rose helped me up and I realized that they were true friends and Mackenzie was a false one.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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