Anvi Tuteja, Other

Happy Holidays!

A very happy new year to all my dear readers! I hope this year is bright, hopeful and wonderful for all of you.

My sincerest apologies for my unexpected multi-weak hiatus. Peace No Longer Far Apart comes Monday, 16.01.2022.

Till then please enjoy VALIDATION.

Signing off,

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other, The WONDER Capsule

Welcome to the WONDER CAPSULE!

Dear readers,

It’s great to be writing on my blog again and I’m completely aware that I haven’t been posting new content in an incredibly long time. My exams, projects, and volunteer work has just been piling up but I promise a LOT of work from here on out.

On that note, I’m pleased to present to y’all the WONDER CAPSULE! Recently, I decided to conduct a writing workshop with SHISHU MANDIR and VIDYA SCHOOL, wherein I shared some of my own writing knowledge with the students through online meetings.

I am delighted to share with everyone the brilliant work of all of my new friends. I hope you give them the hope and encouragement they so rightly deserve for ALL of their effort. And lastly, I hope you enjoy reading their work as much as I did, and will continue to give them your support, just like you have been supporting me for all this time.


Anvi 🙂

Read more of the WONDER CAPSULE here:

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other


So I guess I’m going through my ‘Spotify’ era now. Probably never going to be published. Probably…

Love Anvi.

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other

Dear readers,

Dear readers,
I’m so pleased to post for you again! I’ve been soooo busy with finals, certification examinations and of course, the feeling of surrendering yourself to the unpredictability of the 10th-grade boards.

However, I would like to announce – Reputation has come to a close! With a tracklist of 15 poems and 1 Interlude, we’ve finally reached the end! Read more about Reputation here…

The next series whose tracklist I’ll be posting is the wandering poet. Secretly running alongside Reputation, these poems showcase poetry such as the real me, and writings on the wall. Read more about the wandering poet here…

Another series I’m pleased to announce the Part I of, is ASTRONOMY, it’s fate and we’re two worlds apart. This series is all about what introvertism means, how it feels when your best friend is on another planet, and how hard it hits to know that you have insecurity. Read more about ASTRONOMY here…

Another series that’s on the horizon is VALIDATION, life is ironically lyrical. I recently posted a snippet of it’s first poem – Falling – as coming soon. I assure you, it’s coming, but maybe not so soon. Read more about VALIDATION here…

So, dear readers, the setlist for Anvi’s Thoughts Caught is full, and I can’t wait for these months to fly by and these poems to astonish you.

Until the next time I get inspired by something wild, beautiful and ethereal,

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other, Poems, Validation

Coming Soon: Falling

Coming Soon: Falling, the first in the latest collection by Anvi Tuteja – Validation, life is ironically lyrical.

The world tells me, I picked my poison and it’s you,
And yet I never even knew what I was being thrown into.

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other, Quotes and More

Out of My Part

Hallo, readers, and Guten Morgen. Anvi here.
Today, my school began once again after the week of Diwali holidays we had. In memory of such a sad and distasteful day (uh, I mean, a very bright and hopeful day, of course. sure.), I would like to present a quote from the Bard himself to provide solace in these times.
Also, if you ever feel the need to inexplicable forget the answer to a question, please use the following quote, I can safely (not) guarantee that it’ll help you out.

I can say little more than I have studied, and that question's out of my part. 
— William Shakespeare

Vielen Dank für ihrer Aufmerksamkeit,
Anvi Tuteja.

Anvi Tuteja, Books, Notice, Other

Incandescence: Buy Now!

Anvi Tuteja presents: Incandescence
Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other

My 100th Post and Happy Anniversary to Anvi’s Thoughts Caught!

Dear readers,
This is Anvi Tuteja, the wandering poet writing these long, rambling poems. I know it’s been a while, but I am managing to post more and more now. Juggling ninth grade with about fifty different things that people are demanding my time and attention for, something that reeks suspiciously of responsibility, isn’t easy, but I hope to find a balance in my life.
I am writing to tell you that yesterday, on 12 August 2021, I made my 100th post on Anvi’s Thoughts Caught! With the collections of the real me and the wandering poet, we hit the 100 post mark! Coincidentally, yesterday was also my three-year anniversary of joining WordPress! So, celebrations all around!
It may come as a surprise that it’s my three-year anniversary, but I made an account on 12 August 2018, at about 10 pm and then promptly forgot about it. I began posting in September of last year – 2020.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all my readers for allowing just a little bit of imagination in their lives, because we could all use a bit more magic in our lives.
Thank you so much for where we’ve reached!
Signing Off,
Anvi Tuteja

Anvi Tuteja, Notice, Other

Updates and a Deutsch Sektion

Hey guys – Anvi here. Here’s a quick update – Anvi’s Thoughts Caught will be integrating a German section, where I will be translating and rewriting all of my poems in the German language.
To kick this off, I will begin by posting one of my first poems ever – School Blues or as it is also called – Schul Blues.
More details coming soon, for now – head to
Dear readers, I also realize I haven’t posted anything for Reputation or otherwise recently, but I’ve just been really busy. I promise you, there are several things in the works and some ideas I promise to share soon. Thank you for your support – you are the best readers I could ask for.
Anvi out.

Anvi Tuteja, Other, Poems

Love Is A Limerick

“I love you so much.” “Uh, Okay.”
“No one exists but you.” “Yeah, Sure.”
“You’re my world.” “Hey, Why not?”
“Marry me.” “Wait, what?”

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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