Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Thoughts To Treasure

As I walk I do not recognise,
As I walk I do not comprehend,
How this little world of mine,
Has changed into one of sin, war and crime,

My little bubble, an oasis of power,
An impenetrable fortress, a bunker to hide away,
Has now been discovered, my power drained,
Oh, tears of sorrow I rained,

I watered your fertile fields with my tears,
I hardened your spirit with my blood,
I tended your roots with my heart and soul,
I encompassed you with my being, whole,

But now you’re gone, sacrificed like all the others,
They say: death is the kindest mercy,
But then again I have never met a bigger liar than this: ‘they say’
But now I walk the same way,

The one we walked together,
What seems like an eternity ago,
Stolen moments and pretty lies,
But, The spirit you left me never dies,

Chained by these very memories,
The thoughts you left me, I do preserve,
They’ll punish me in those hells,
The very ones that destroyed yourself,

And they may have claimed your shadows,
But they’ll never have your spirit,
Just one of the many thoughts that I will treasure,
Once they beat me out of measure.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

An Eternity Alone

What does it mean to be alone?
To have no one and nothing waiting,
To sit in solitude, pondering the unknown,
Because your mind is already rating,

Loneliness, a disease with no cure,
And no, it’s not contagious,
But wait, you’re already detour’d,
Why is this desire to fit in, already so outrageous?

I’m no longer scared,
Of the dark and what it may contain,
Contrary to what popular opinion cared,
And now I sit here waiting for you, again,

An eternity alone, I fear I will spend,
Sitting here all by myself,
Alone till the very end,
Biding my time before the torturing hells,

The world goes on,
And no one notices my shadow,
My earthly body, I may have forgone,
But my spirit does hide, in the universe’s hollows,

No one noticed, my presence,
An invisible shade stuck in the in-between,
No one notices, my disappearance,
A flicker gone out in the dark, unseen,

No one may care,
They buried my ashes,
Oh, how do they dare,
On my stone there are gashes,

But I’m back now, waiting,
That’s all I can do,
No one to be relating,
Simply be true,

Slowly, Biding my time,
An Eternity has passed,
Watching sin, war and crime,
But I’m still here and here I will last.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)


I wrote this because it was so complex that the idea fascinated me. It had to be a short poem, without the meaning being obvious, that told a story and explained a condition. As always, no offence is meant from my work to any persons, class, group, sect, religion, caste, sexuality, identity, etc.

Some times I wonder who it is,
It could be him, It could be her,
Hell, It could even be you,

Shrouded in mystery, Hiding in the dark,
Lurking in the shadows, A solace from the start,
Waiting, Slowly, Biding my Time,
Awaiting my guard down, Waiting to Strike,
Light to dark, Bad to good, Two wrongs don’t make it a right,
Comfort in the darkness, The shadows took me in,
Reveling in the success of my anonymity,
Anonymity, my solace from the start,
A bright shining hope, A light in the dark,

Some times I wonder, who it is,
It could be him, It could be her,
Hell, it could even be you,
Well, turns out it’s me!

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Higher Power III

Every action monitored,
Like everything I did mattered,
Well, I’m flattered,
But the challenges have left me battered,
So as I lay here with my dying breath,
I embrace you with open arms: death,
Because whatever tortures you have waiting in your hells,
Are nothing compared to the nightmares of being myself.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Just Let Go – And Fall

Sometimes I just don’t believe it,
I simply cannot realize it,
But our time’s come and gone,
Oh look, there’s no one to be around,
Because it’s done and dusted,
The chapter’s published,

Is there no place left for me to go,
Because I, Because I simply cannot be alone,
It’s so hard keeping away from you,
‘Cause I find it so hard to be true,

And now I live in isolation,
Just me alone, alone with my realizations,
I was simply never meant to be a hero,
In a listless ocean of sorrow, I’m desperately failing to row,
But to no avail,
Because I simply cannot tell the difference in what’s not real,

Because it’s done and dusted,
The chapter’s published,
And fate never intended for me to be a hero,
And the only one I’m fooling is my own wretched self, So,
I can’t do it no more,
Maybe it’s time to let go – and fall.

-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

When I Look into the Mirror…

When I look into the mirror,
I see myself as but an actor,
When I look into the mirror,
I feel like a mortal, but mere-er,
When I look into the mirror,
Is it me I see, or someone dearer?

When I glance at my reflection,
I look like someone deep in thought, in contemplation,
When I glance at my reflection,
The raw light in me takes a deflection,
When I glance at my reflection,
I always have a fear of rejection,

When I peer into clear glass,
The ugliness inside of me, does amass,
When I peer into clear glass,
I see myself for who I really am, plainly crass,
When I peer into clear glass,
The truth is seen, greener than other-side grass,

When I view the perfectly-clear water,
I see myself as the perfect daughter,
When I view the perfectly-clear water,
The darkness within me, I do wish to slaughter,
When I view the perfectly-clear water,
I feel like a deserted marauder,

When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Would I then, finally come to my senses?
When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Will my soul finally take a consensus?
When I search for myself in the pure lenses,
Of who I am, behind all the pretenses?

When I look into the mirror,
I finally see myself, but clearer.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Thy Code, Neu Felles Errantes

All those who wander,

Are never truly lost,

However, fears I do not launder,

Everything comes at a cost,

Take, a peek, or two if you dare,

Though do not expect a welcome swell,

In fact, expect a few of snarl and glare,

For here, all kinds do dwell…

The horrors contained here, I do not sugarcoat,

Creatures, demons of all types,

Witches, traitors, liars, murderers, and turncoats,

Ones who’ll wait to eat, till you’re ripe,

I will no advice to be without fear,

For only fools and children are unscared,

Though I will say to not fear itself: fear,

Contrary to what popular opinion cared,

Now seven truths, I will give,

Never fear the dark, and what it may contain,

Never judge a person, by what they may misgive,

It is of utmost importance, A ledger you maintain,

For you must learn from sin and pay forgotten debt,

Never interfere in the natural order of life,

Else you must may the red price; three are now left,

Embrace, joy of the world, and swear to end all strife,

Be forever alone, as thy life may hold dear to the world,

To end with utmost importance,

For danger, dark and hate, no fear must you in your heart hold,

For there is light to be found, errantes, hidden perchance.


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Higher Power Series

This is a flash poetry series.

Higher Power I

Am I lied to?Is there some higher power I can cry to?What’s behind those smiles?Feeling like a puppet to your wiles,Tell me now, to my face,Will I ever be first in the race? ANVI TUTEJA -with you till the end of the line, pal-

Higher Power II

would you care?if i never said another word,would you care?if i never wrote another verse,would you care?if i never played another note,would you care?if i never sang another tune,would you care? ANVI TUTEJA -with you till the end of the line, pal-

Higher Power III

Every action monitored,Like everything I did mattered,Well, I’m flattered,But the challenges have left me battered,So as I lay here with my dying breath,I embrace you with open arms: death,Because whatever tortures you have waiting in your hells,Are nothing compared to the nightmares of being myself. ANVI TUTEJA -with you till the end of the line,…

Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Higher Power II

would you care?
if i never said another word,
would you care?
if i never wrote another verse,
would you care?
if i never played another note,
would you care?
if i never sang another tune,
would you care?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reflection (Incandescence)

Higher Power I

Am I lied to?
Is there some higher power I can cry to?
What’s behind those smiles?
Feeling like a puppet to your wiles,
Tell me now, to my face,
Will I ever be first in the race?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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