Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)

It’s The Endgame!

Worry growing, Fear spreading,

Waves of terror consuming a paralysed crowd,

Shouts of ‘it’s coming’ all around,

What is it, you ask, well let’s just say,

It’s a lethal poison or a dangerous adversary, in a way,

It’s cold-blooded, ruthless and unforgiving,

It’s cold, calculating, and takes no prisoners alive,

Old or Young, Rich or Poor, Strong or Weak,

It does not discriminate against lives,

Power, Sustenance and Total Control it does seek,

Worse than War, Scarier than Strife,

Powerful as Poison, Naughty as a Knife,

It’s a universal pandemic,

A worldwide epidemic,

No cure, no chance, no hope,

All the doctors say, “Just wash hands with soap”,

It’s a virus with which the world cannot hope to cope,

All that’s left is to just sit around and mope,

The world’s hanging by fraying ropes,

What else can we do when there are only dopes,

We have had it coming for a long time now,

No use in making a large row,

To put it simply, it is the End of Days,

Nature is rebelling, we incurred her wrath,

Will there be something left in the battle’s aftermath?

The Gods are taking revenge,

All we can do is pray, pray for mercy,

We are paying the price of our lethargy,

This is our fate, set by the Gods above,

It goes by many names,

Ragnarok, Fimbulwinter, Endgame, The Seven Suns,

It all refers to the same,

Total destruction, anarchy and chaos,

Preceded by annihilation and demolition,

Followed by bloodshed and death,

But after the battle, left will be a barren wasteland,

The foundations of a new world,

A new land, a new people, a new race,

Who, we can only hope, will make better choices than we made!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)

At the Stroke of Midnight

At the Stroke of Midnight,
As the twelfth chime rang,
I was blinded by the sparkling light,
As my family huddled ’round, like a top-secret gang,

Lay rotting away, the wreaths on the doors,
A day to end all pain, misery and strife,
It was the moment, everyone had been waiting for,
The thick tension was palpable; could be cut with a knife,

It was a day to forget,
The mistakes of the past,
To let go of all sorrows, sins and regrets,
The die had finally been cast,

All waited with bated breath,
Everything paused, flying birds, rustling leaves, not to mention, man,
Everything paused, moving clouds, flowing water, not to mention, death,
As The Countdown finally began,

10, The numbers flashed on the clock,
9, Stuck between a hard place and a rock,
8, Glancing up at the sky,
7, Everyone as if petrify’,
6, Caught breath, suppressed sighs, controlled gasps,
5, Accounting for the calendar’s gaps,
4, Having run out of patience,
3, Adults no longer calm, Children no longer vivacious,
2, Waiting for the year to finally be over,


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)

Bucket List: A Poetic Rendition

Bucket List, why’s that?
The idea was new to me,
Bucket List, why’s that?
Something I had never needed,
Bucket List, why’s that?
To define my reason to be,
Bucket List, why’s that?
But some nameless someone’s advice I heeded…

Bucket List, what’s that?
How do I go about it,
Bucket List, what’s that?
I haven’t got a clue,
Bucket List, what’s that?
Where to start, Where to quit,
Bucket List, what’s that?
About a thing to do,

Bucket List, how’s that?
With things of wonder,
Bucket List, how’s that?
Beyond my wildest imagination,
Bucket List, how’s that?
No more blunders,
Bucket List, how’s that?
I must sit in contemplation,

Bucket List, where’s that?
Somewhere exotic, perhaps?
Bucket List, where’s that?
Going rock climbing?
Bucket List, where’s that?
Going all the places on maps?
Bucket List, where’s that?
Ugh, which is the right timing?

Bucket List, which’s that?
Seeing a sunrise, from Machu Pichu,
Bucket List, which’s that?
Climbing up to Mt. Kilimanjaro,
Bucket List, which’s that?
Or talking to someone about my issues,
Bucket List, which’s that?
Or simply enjoying a better tomorrow?

Bucket List, when’s that?
I am too young to prophesize the future?
Bucket List, when’s that?
Is it dangerous to play with the fire of fate?
Bucket List, when’s that?
No, my own destiny I will suture,
Bucket List, when’s that?
It’s up to me whether I will be weak or great,

Bucket List, who’s that?
Shall I meet an old acquaintance?
Bucket List, who’s that?
Have a picnic with the whole family?
Bucket List, who’s that?
Visit an old friend, with full cadence?
Bucket List, who’s that?
Or the girl who looks like me, uncannily?

Bucket List, help me!
You are too complicated,
Bucket List, when will you be done, finally?
No, I don’t want to see all the royal families rated!
Bucket List, you’re finally over,
I have assigned all the numbers,
Bucket List, now all you need is a cover!
I can go back to my eternal slumber!

”Learning Morse Code, Speaking Latin,
Achieving my ideal weight,
On the runway, Wearing a dress of Satin,
Be more punctual, Never be late,
Doing Archery, Learning shooting,
Become a concert pianist,
The errors in our society need uprooting,
Swearing to always be honest,

Going Parasailing, Dying my hair,
Making a snowman,
Visiting an earthly place rare,
Stay away from the beach, don’t need a tan,
Flying First Class, Zooming in a helicopter,
Seeing the Northern Lights,
Go to Jurassic Park, maybe see a velociraptor,
Just being with friends, going to fly a kite,

Visiting a Volcano, Painting a portrait,
Observing the constellations in the night sky,
Paying my homage at the world-famous India gate,
Dancing at family weddings and some white lies,
Seeing the famed Mona Lisa,
Remarking at her lack of eyebrows,
Taking a selfie at the Tower of Pisa,
Seeing beautiful Orchids, neatly arranged in rows,

Going on a cruise, Folding a 1000 cranes,
Getting a little serious, becoming a doctor,
Hopefully always staying sane!
Do some geology, am a roctor!
See the beautiful cherry blossoms,
Visit Neuschwanstein and maybe put a lock,
Do Archeology, discover some fossils,
Finally, wash my lucky sock,

Ride a crazy insane roller coaster,
Hit a bull’s eye on a dartboard,
Take a job as a coffee roaster?
Drive around in a fancy Ford,
Lucky number thirteen,
Go on a random vacation,
Right now, I’m just fourteen,
There is no limit to my imagination!”


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)

Beauty is Unity in Diversity

Diversity does not mean,

Everyone’s the same, in how we seem,

Diversity does not imply,

That we get together to celebrate or to cry,

Diversity does not promote,

Everyone painted with same coat,

No, Diversity-Unity, that is true,

But Unity does not mean, same goals, we will pursue,

Unity in Diversity, is life’s truest mantra,

Whether we believe in Jesus, Rama, Allah or even Santa!

Respecting each other’s differences, that is true joy,

Not making vicious comments or simply being coy,

The world is filled, with all kinds of races,

People from all cultures, religions, castes and graces,

Humans are not a box of perfectly matched 2B pencils,

Or a set of matched shiny utensils,

We are a bunch of mismatched sharpies,

But when one is threatened, we come together as an army,

We are all unique, but humanity is in our togetherness,

When God was doling out, he was very generous,

If He had intended, we would all be the one,

But we all stand under the same Sun,

Together, we can save the world,

Finally achieve the immortal-peace we have earned,

Learning from past mistakes,

The future is ours to take!

Nature does not discriminate,

State, colour and creed, it does not rate,

We are together and as forever such we shall remain,

Fighting together against pain, stain and bane!

Remember, Unity begins with You,

If not You, then Who?


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)


I have become a prisoner in my own home,

Confined, there is no where I can roam,

I fear, I will spend an eternity alone,

It seems, far too many a loan,

From mother nature dear,

Now, it has come to pass; Our greatest fear!

I feel trapped in the soul of my own,

Any rash behaviour, I do not and never will


Beyond these 4 walls, I cannot hope to see,

I feel my sanity, slowly moving away,          

Drop-by-Drop, Inch-by-Inch, Like an inky black

shadow that cannot hope to stay!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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Anvi Tuteja, Experiences, Imageries, Incandescence, Poems, Reality Reimagined (Incandescence)


Today is a joyous day,
Of hope and cheer and of merry,
The wreaths on the doors,
And trees decorated and shiny,
Christmas is a time for celebration,
Of twinkling lights and ornaments fair,
To be safe with our loved ones,
A shelter from this wintry storm,
See the pretty snowflakes falling,
Look into the gardens,
Where the grass that ‘twas green,
No longer a blade is to be seen,
May this Christmas be the first of many,
When we celebrate all that we have got,
And in our love there is an instance of forever,
The sense of being home when we’re together!


-with you till the end of the line, pal-

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